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Using the SharePoint Tool - Data Connection Manager (DCM) with a Service Account

7 - Meteor

Hello! In the SharePoint tool, is it possible to connect using Data Connection Manager using a Service Account?


We are in the process of moving from a shared network to SharePoint so we are updating our workflows with the SharePoint Tool. We've tried using a "Shared Drive" that points to the SharePoint site using a Service Account but kept on getting access errors when trying to output. Switching to using the SharePoint tool with eventually migrating up to Alteryx Server, I can connect with SSO using my sign on credentials but was wondering if I can configure it so it logs in using a Service Account? My thought process is we don't want the connection is we don't want the connection tied a specific "human". When I shared the DCM credentials with another to run on Server, the output had my name as the last modified person. I would have expected the file was last modified by the other user who ran the workflow. 
