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Using "Sample" with interface tools to remove N-1 rows

5 - Atom

I have different input file formats where the table data all starts on different rows, ie row 8 or row 10. 


As such I want to use the sample tool to remove leading rows, using the interface tools, so the user can input row number for the headers. 

From this I want to subtract one row to remove all rows before it before using a dynamic rename to take headers from the first row of data. 


I can't use the dropdown and sample tool directly as there is no option to subtract from the user input.

16 - Nebula

Add some sample data and expected output will be in better place to help with flow.

5 - Atom

Apologies, now attached an example workflow. In the example the headers are in row 7 and therefore using the "numeric up down" the user will specify that headers are in row 7. 


The sample tool should use this and skip the first 6 rows ( 7 - 1).


Before the new top row is used for headers. Expected output here;




16 - Nebula


find the workflow attached
mark done if solved.

5 - Atom

Thanks for your help Raj. I think it's 95% of my solution, whereby I need it to be an app, rather than a workflow. The input file will be a file browse also and the "Input A number" should also be in the interface window

Ignore me, I am able to use this approach for my workflow, by adding the record ID and using the filter for greater than or equal to, instead of sample I achieve the same result. Many thanks

19 - Altair

@Kaffo - change your action tool to update value with formula. use the formula




you are doing this to make sure the number does not go below 1.
