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Using a unique tool

8 - Asteroid

Dear all,



I have a data in a multiple rows what I want is that, I want to get rid of the duplicated rows but to identify the duplicated row I don't want to use only one column in the unique tool. I want to check 3 to 4 columns and see if the same duplicated on the other rows then give me the unique row.


For example in the columns I have the Date, Customer ID, Mobile Phone, District Name

if all are unique or not, but if there is other one row with the same data of these columns get rid of it.


Any help how can I do that? 


Hi @Feras95p 


You can use the Unique tool and check all fields to make sure duplicated rows (not only a specific field) are excluded




21 - Polaris
21 - Polaris


You can select multiple Columns as the key for Unique.




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