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Using a formula to find strings in two fields

7 - Meteor



I'm trying to search for a list of words and phrases in two separate fields ("Story" and "Blurb). I want to treat them a little differently depending on which field they appear in. I have assigned certain importance weights (a score of 1-3) to each word / phrase, which will be taken as the result if they appear in the field "Story". If they appear in the field "Blurb", however, I want to add 3 points to this output. Using the "Summarize" function, the sum of this output is taken to result in a total score.

I have tried doing this in various ways, including the method in the screenshot below, using two separate formulas within a single "Formula" function to result in the same output column, "Found". However, this does not seem to be working, as I am getting the same results as before I entered the formula for the "Blurb" field, even in cases where words from my search list do appear in that field. Does anyone know why this is and how to fix it?




11 - Bolide

Hi @SandSlinky 


Could you please upload the workflow with sample data.

15 - Aurora
15 - Aurora

Hi @SandSlinky, you could probably structure your workflow similar to how I have mine in the attached sample solution. It leverages the Contains function to look up words and assigns a score based on a match.



If this isn't what you are looking for, please pprovide us a sample of your data as @deviseetharaman mentioned. It generally helps the community users better visualize the current state and the path required to achieve the final state.


7 - Meteor

Hello @AbhilashR and @deviseetharaman. Thanks for your help. I tried structuring the workflow similarly to your suggestion, but the problem I'm having this way is that, for some reason, the output from Sum_Found_Blurb is much bigger than what it should be. Take a look at the attached screenshot for reference: the top entry contains the word "sequel",  to which I assigned a weight of 3. Given that it appears in the blurb, I want to increase its score by 3, making a total of 6, but instead, it outputs 516. The second two entries both contain the phrase "inspired by", to which I assigned a score of 1, so the total score should be 4. But not only is it much more than that in both cases, the scores also differ from each other somehow, even though they do not contain other words or phrases from my search list. I tried using the "Contains" function, but I got the exact same results.


I included my workflow and the data files in the attachments (quite large). I hope that helps and thanks again very much!


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7 - Meteor

Hello @

So I must have done something wrong, but I'm not sure where. The "Sum_Found_Story" column seems to work as intended. I attached my workflow as well, so you can have a look at it. I also tried attaching the excel file containing the raw data, but it's giving me errors for some reason...

Thanks again!

15 - Aurora
15 - Aurora

Hi @SandSlinky, could you provide the source excel file (LIWC2015 Results (Kickstarter Rik Data).xlsx) if you don't mind? 

7 - Meteor


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7 - Meteor

It seems that still does not work, maybe if I try saving it under a different name.

Virus detected! File Removed.
15 - Aurora
15 - Aurora

Maybe try copy-pasting a couple of rows of raw data directly into the post? We will just need a few rows to work with. 

7 - Meteor

I'll give that a try. I have a lot of columns though, so this will probably be pretty messy:


backers_countblurbcategoryconverted_pledged_amountcountrycountry_displayable_namecreated_atcreatorcurrencycurrency_symbolcurrency_trailing_codecurrent_currencydeadlinedisable_communicationfriendsfx_rategoalidis_backingis_starrableis_starredlaunched_atlocationnamepermissionsphotopledgedprofileslugsource_urlspotlightstaff_pickstatestate_changed_atstatic_usd_rateurlsusd_pledgedusd_typeurls2StorySource (AO)WCAnalyticCloutAuthenticToneWPSSixltrDicfunctionpronounpproniweyoushehetheyipronarticleprepauxverbadverbconjnegateverbadjcompareinterrognumberquantaffectposemonegemoanxangersadsocialfamilyfriendfemalemalecogprocinsightcausediscreptentatcertaindifferperceptseehearfeelbiobodyhealthsexualingestdrivesaffiliationachievepowerrewardriskfocuspastfocuspresentfocusfuturerelativmotionspacetimeworkleisurehomemoneyreligdeathinformalswearnetspeakassentnonflufillerAllPuncPeriodCommaColonSemiCQMarkExclamDashQuoteApostroParenthOtherP
59While being in sauna in Finland, Jussi remembers a dream where he was far away. In Mexico.{"id":296,"name":"Fantasy","slug":"film & video/fantasy","position":8,"parent_id":11,"parent_name":"Film & Video","color":16734574,"urls":{"web":{"discover":""}}}3774MXMexico1498253583{"id":1834273929,"name":"Aleksi Herrera Kivinen","is_registered":null,"chosen_currency":null,"is_superbacker":null,"avatar":{"thumb":""}}}MXN$TRUEUSD1504891190FALSE 0.05360908650001954687230 FALSE 1502903990{"id":116545,"name":"Mexico City","slug":"mexico-city-mx","short_name":"Mexico City, Mexico","displayable_name":"Mexico City, Mexico","localized_name":"Mexico City","country":"MX","state":"Distrito Federal","type":"Town","is_root":false,"expanded_country":"Mexico","urls":{"web":{"discover":"","location":""}}}SAUNA {"key":"assets/017/233/410/3e8f35b5266d224b4d9bcde536efb3f3_original.jpg","full":""}66500{"id":3050053,"project_id":3050053,"state":"inactive","state_changed_at":1498253583,"name":null,"blurb":null,"background_color":null,"text_color":null,"link_background_color":null,"link_text_color":null,"link_text":null,"link_url":null,"show_feature_image":false,"background_image_opacity":0.8,"should_show_feature_image_section":true,"feature_image_attributes":{"image_urls":{"default":""}}}sauna{"web":{"project":"","rewards":"http..."}}3743.494475domestic and challengesStory Español Suomeksi English Tavoite on Meksicon Pesoina  / Goal is in Mexican Pesos $1 US Dollar  = 17.50 Mexican Pesos                 1€  = 21.90 Mexican PesosEl sauna es probablemente una de las manifestaciones más representativas de la cultura finlandesa. Más allá de ser un baño de vapor, es un espacio en el que las personas pueden expresar sus emociones. Ser ellas mismas. Sauna on luultavasti yksi suomalaisen kulttuurin tyypillisimpiä piirteitä. Enemmänkin kuin pelkkä pesupaikka, sauna on tila jossa tunteet pääsevät pinnalle. Saunassa voi olla oma itsensä. Sauna is probably one of the most representative aspects of the Finnish culture. Far beyond a simple steam bath, it's a space where people can show their emotions. Be themselves.¿De qué es la historia?Mistä tarinassa on kysymys?What is the story about?Jussi, un finlandés de unos treinta años que vive en algún pequeño pueblo de Finlandia está en el sauna con un amigo. Estando ahí, recuerda un sueño en el que se encuentra en un lugar lejano (México), donde al inicio se le aparece un hombre-pájaro del tipo Martín Pescador. Sin embargo, el Hombre-Martín Pescador desaparece rápidamente.Jussi, noin 30-vuotias suomalainen mies jostakin pikkukylästä, on saunassa kaverin kanssa. Siellä hän muistaa unen jossa hän seikkailee  kaukana Meksikossa, missä hänen eteensä ilmestyy kuningaskalastajalintu-mies. Ilmestys kuitenkin katoaa pian näkyvistä.Jussi, a Finn who is about 30 years old and lives in a small town somewhere in Finland goes to sauna with a friend. There he remembers a dream in which he is in a place far away (Mexico), where at the beginning of the dream a Kingfisher-man (a birdman) appears in front of him but suddenly vanishes. El Hombre-Martín pescador causa tanto asombro en Jussi que todo el sueño busca volver a verlo con la ayuda de Nube, una mujer mayor que es guía de soñadores y que lo acompañará en esta aventura.Kuningaskalastajamies tekee Jussiin niin suuren vaikutuksen, että koko loppu-unensa ajan hän yrittää nähdä sen uudestaan. Apunaan hänellä on Nube, vanhempi nainen jonka tehtävänä on ohjata unennäkijöitä. Tässä tapauksessa hän tukee Jussia seikkailussaan Meksikossa. The Kingfisher-man causes such an impression in Jussi that he decides to look for him for the rest of his dream with the help of Nube, an old lady who is a dreamer guide and will string along Jussi in this adventure.Jussi es un hombre serio que podría parecer poco expresivo. Sin embargo, gracias a las condiciones que crea el sauna, podemos conocerlo más a fondo hasta el punto de enterarnos de sus sueños. Jussi on vähäpuheinen mies joka saattaa päällisin puolin vaikuttaa hieman ilmeettömältä. Saunan luoman tunnelman ansiosta voimme kuitenkin tutustua häneen paremmin hänen oman unensa kautta. Jussi is a man who may look reserved, nevertheless because of the conditions that sauna creates we can get to know him till a point of getting to know his dreams. ¿De dónde viene Sauna?Mistä Sauna tulee? Where does Sauna come from?Toda mi vida ha sido una fusión entre la cultura finlandesa y la mexicana, ya que mi familia materna es del país nórdico y la paterna de México. Los paisajes y tradiciones de cada país han estado presentes desde que tengo memoria y es con Sauna que quiero hablar sobre estos dos mundos de la manera más bella que conozco, a través del cine. Koko elämäni on ollut vuoropuhelua suomalaisen ja meksikolaisen kulttuurin välillä. Äitini sukujuuret ovat Suomesta, ja isän Meksikosta. Kummankin maan maisemat ja traditiot ovat olleet osa elämääni syntymästäni saakka, ja Saunassa haluan kertoa näistä maailmoista kauneimmalla tuntemallani tavalla, elokuvan kautta. My entire life has been a fusion between the Finnish and the Mexican cultures because my mother if from the Nordic country and my father from Mexico. The landscapes and the traditions of each country have been present in my life since I was born and it´s with Sauna that I want to speak about this in the most beautiful way I know, making a film.Finlandia y México, a pesar de estar a casi diez mil kilómetros de distancia, tienen similitudes interesantes. En Sauna aspectos de ambas culturas se unen y conviven. El idioma no es un obstáculo, pues aunque se hable en español y en finlandés, los personajes se entienden sin problema.Vaikka välimatka Suomen ja Meksikon välillä on melkein kymmenen tuhatta kilometriä, näiden kahden kulttuurin välillä on kiehtovia kohtauspintoja. Saunassa kulttuurit kohtaavat toisensa. Kieliongelmia ei ole, sillä unessa henkilöt ymmärtävät toistensa puhetta - suomea tai espanjaa - kielestä huolimatta. Finland and Mexico, despite being almost ten thousand kilometers away from each other, have interesting similarities. In Sauna aspects of both cultures unite and coexist. Language is not an obstacle, because even though the characters speak in Spanish and Finnish, they understand each other without any problem. Ilustraciones por Alejandro Cabrera Los rodajes: Finlandia y MéxicoKuvaukset: Suomi ja MeksikoThe filming: Finland and MexicoSauna es un cortometraje en el que se pretende hablar de ambos países, así que decidimos grabar las tomas de la locación del sauna en Finlandia, y las del resto del sueño en México, para así captar de una forma más auténtica ambas realidades. El primer rodaje se realizó a mediados de julio en el pueblo de mis abuelos, Kuhmo, al noreste del país.Lyhytfilmissämme kerromme näistä kahdesta maasta, ja päätimme filmata sauna-kohtaukset Suomessa, ja lopun Meksikossa, jotta voisimme kuvata molempia maailmoja mahdollisimman autenttisesti. Suomen osuus kuvauksista tehtiin heinäkuun alussa isovanhempieni luona Kuhmossa Itä-Suomessa.As this is a film that aims to talk about both countries, we decided that we should do the sauna part in Finland, and the rest of the film in Mexico, in order to catch the nature of both of these realities as authentically as possible. The filming took place in my grandparents' town, Kuhmo, in the Northeast part of Finland in mid-July. A finales del mes de agosto será el rodaje del sueño de Jussi en México. Se grabará en locaciones que por sí mismas brindarán la magia única que tiene este país, donde el color y los elementos en cuadro nos envolverán en un ambiente surreal digno de un sueño. Un globo aerostático, un río tropical, una cantina, caminos rurales y un aviario serán las locaciones del sueño.Elokuun lopussa kuvaamme Jussin unen Meksikossa. Kuvauspaikat jo itsessään tulvivat sitä taianomaisuutta jota Meksiko on täynnä, ja värit ja kuvien elementit kietovat meidät surrealistiseen ilmapiiriin, joka hyvinkin voisi kuulua uneen. Kuumailmapallo, trooppinen joki, cantina-baari, pölyiset maanseututiet ja suuri lintutarha kuuluvat tähän unimaailmaan. In the last days of this month we will shoot Jussi´s dream in Mexico. The locations will create for themselves a unique magical atmosphere that this country has, where the color and elements in the frame will wrap us in a surreal atmosphere worthy of a dream. A hot air balloon, a tropical river, a cantina, dusty roads in the countryside and a big aviary belong to this dream world. ¿Para qué se usará el dinero?Mihin rahat käytetään?How will the money be used?Al ser una producción internacional, los costos de este cortometraje han sido muy altos; vuelos, equipaje extra para el equipo de grabación y transporte hasta Kuhmo (muuuuy lejos). El dinero se utilizará para pagar una parte de estos gastos así como para pagar el diseño de producción: arte, vestuario y maquillaje.Lyhytfilmimme tuotetaan kahdessa maassa, jonka vuoksi kustannukset nousevat korkeiksi. Maksamme lennoista, ylimääräisistä matkatavaroista kameroitten ja mikrofonien takia, ja pitkistä maakuljetuksista Kuhmoon (eli hyvin kauas) saakka. Rahat käytetään näihin menoihin, samoin kuin kattamaan osa kulissien, pukujen ja maskeerausten suunnittelusta ja toteuttamisesta. As this is an international production, the short film's costs have been relatively high: flights, extra luggage for the equipment and transport to Kuhmo (very far away). The money will be used to pay a part of these expenses as well as to pay a part of the production design: art, costume design and makeup.****Llegando a la meta conseguiremos fondear el mínimo, sin embargo si conseguimos fondear más vamos a poder cubrir cosas como el pago a actores y las comidas.********Päästyämme minimitavoitteeseen peruskustannukset on katettu, mutta jos ylitämme tavoitteemme,  voisimme kattaa myös näyttelijöiden palkkoja ja ruokatarjoiluja. ********By achieving the goal we will have covered the minimum. Nevertheless, if we exceed the objective, we will also be able to cover payments of actors as well as catering expenses.***** Pahoittelemme sitä, että korkeitten lähetyskustannusten vuoksi palkinnot pätevät vain Meksikossa. Liitämme kuitenkin kiitokset lopputeksteihin, ja lähetämme salasanan lyhytfilmin katselua varten. Mutta jos sattuisit käymään Meksikossa, voisimme antaa sinulle muutkin palkinnot!*Unfortunately, because of the high shipping fees, the rewards only apply within Mexico. Nevertheless, we will give the acknowledgements on screen and send the password to watch the short film. However, if you happen to come to Mexico, we would be happy to give you all the rewards.¿Quiénes somos? Ketä olemme? Who are we?Todos los miembros del crew somos estudiantes de octavo semestre de la carrera de cine en la universidad CENTRO y estamos por graduarnos. Nuestra trabajo final para obtener el grado de Licenciatura consiste en hacer un cortometraje.Kaikki tiimin jäsenet olemme viimeisen lukukauden elokuva-alan opiskelijoita CENTRO-nimisestä yliopistosta Mexico Citystä. Valmistuminen on jo lähellä ja lopputyöksi teemme lyhytfilmin.  All of us are 8th semester film students at CENTRO university (Mexico City) and we are about to graduate. To obtain the degree we will prepare a short film as our final work.  ¡Bienvenidos al sueño de Jussi!Tervetuloa Jussin uneen!¡Welcome to Jussi's dream!                                                                                              Aleksi Herrera Kivinen Ilustración por Alejandro Cabrera  Risks and challengesSi no logramos llegar a la meta no podremos invertir en el diseño de arte, que es de lo más importante para sentirnos dentro de un sueño. Necesitamos de tu ayuda para ayudarle a Jussi a vivir su sueño :)Learn about accountability on KickstarterQuestions about this project? Check out the FAQReport this project to Kickstarter 187894,0361,531,0033,1134,7823,5432,8520,023,512,080,430,850,160,430,211,384,696,502,501,702,340,274,261,760,690,590,430,961,540,960,530,050,000,003,350,160,160,110,693,140,530,910,430,690,160,750,800,480,110,210,210,000,210,000,002,771,280,640,430,530,270,532,930,646,070,434,690,911,121,220,050,750,210,051,010,000,910,000,110,0015,124,314,580,320,050,911,440,850,000,210,751,70
36Born out of a mother's desire to provide a safe, nontoxic and natural way for her child to explore and experience art.{"id":54,"name":"Mixed Media","slug":"art/mixed media","position":6,"parent_id":1,"parent_name":"Art","color":16760235,"urls":{"web":{"discover":""}}}1553USthe United States1412750625{"id":795426180,"name":"Eza Borchardt","slug":"lepetitmatisse","is_registered":null,"chosen_currency":null,"is_superbacker":null,"avatar":{"thumb":""}}}USD$TRUEUSD1415946877FALSE 1150001464551434 FALSE 1413956077{"id":2352559,"name":"Alameda","slug":"alameda-alameda-ca","short_name":"Alameda, CA","displayable_name":"Alameda, CA","localized_name":"Alameda","country":"US","state":"CA","type":"Town","is_root":false,"expanded_country":"United States","urls":{"web":{"discover":"","location":"https://www.kickstarter...."}}}Le Petit Matisse - Imagine . Create . Share {"key":"assets/011/900/169/0e9ebc83f4de290e25dce2ab91fb7058_original.jpg","full":""}1553{"id":1423143,"project_id":1423143,"state":"inactive","state_changed_at":1425915878,"name":null,"blurb":null,"background_color":null,"text_color":null,"link_background_color":null,"link_text_color":null,"link_text":null,"link_url":null,"show_feature_image":false,"background_image_opacity":0.8,"should_show_feature_image_section":true,"feature_image_attributes":{"image_urls":{"default":""}}}le-petit-matisse-imagine-create-share{"web":{"project":""}}1553domestic and challengesStory Why is everything out there so expensive? I'm sure you've considered buying that lovely beeswax crayon for your child before, but cringed on having to pay so much for it, right?  What about that non-nano face paint that is almost as expensive as high end make up (when all you get is 1/4 oz.)?! Yes, good quality natural and nontoxic raw materials cost more. But I'm here because I want to change, what you (the customer) has to pay to get these safer products!  I want YOU to be able to buy safer art supplies for your child without breaking the bank! By me being able to buy my raw materials to produce in a larger scale = less expensive for you.  Support my project and you will never have to think twice again before allowing creativity to stay alive in your child! All nontoxic, natural and specially formulated for the little ones.  Who is Le Petit Matisse? Le Petit Matisse is more than a brand.  In fact, he is an actual person. The little boy in our logo is my son, who's middle name is Matisse.  When my little Matisse was born, at only 26 weeks and 5 days, he was considered an extreme preemie.  But if you saw him now, almost five years later, you would never guess that!  I believe that it was not only my dedication as a mother that helped his development, but also the therapeutic powers of doing art!  He first experienced what it was like to get paint on his hands at only 14 months of age, and to this day he either paints, draw, or does both every day...simply because he LOVES art. Wouldn't it be great if every little kid can experience the benefits and joy of touching paint, holding a crayon (or even tasting it), squeezing some play dough with their tiny fingers... all of that without mommy or daddy worrying about it?Our Product is Born!It all started with me trying to make some stove top cornstarch paint that got moldy after two days, yuk!  But after getting tired of trying someone else's recipe, I created my own. By using only the best raw materials available and researching my now competitors to make my product have what theirs lacked,  I'm happy to report that I've achieved that (tons of moms and kids have told me so)!  Le Petit Matisse PAINTS - TRULY NONTOXIC & FUN TO USE!Unlike other paints that are advertised as nontoxic, our paints are all natural, long lasting and a pleasure to use! Pre-mixed: our paint comes ready to use, right out of the jar and it has a wonderful creamy consistency. Truly Natural: Le Petite Matisse tempera-stye paint is made with mineral pigments, NOT oxides. Our watercolors are made with fruit and vegetable extracts. Sorry Crayola, no neon colors for us! Long-lasting: Our tempera paint is long lasting even after it dries Natural Fragrance: No smelly chemicals in our paint!  All our natural paints are scented with REAL French Lavender essential oil to evoke relaxation and focus Le Petit Matisse PLAY CLAY and GLUE - GLUTEN FREE & AFFORDABLE. You'll no longer have to pay a higher price so that your little one with gluten sensitivity can play.  I developed our product with not only quality in mind, but with ALL children in mind.Le Petit Matisse BRUSHES - SUSTAINABLY HARVESTED & DEVELOPMENTALLY APPROPRIATE FOR YOUNG ARTISTSAll children benefit from both the sensory experience of finger-painting and, when they are older, the fine-motor benefits of using brushes. When they are ready to use a paint brush, children should use one that is appropriate to their developmental level.  I designed these anatomically correct paint brushes with just that in mind! Both brushes are handmade locally out of sustainably harvested and renewable poplar wood, making them durable and light weight; an eco-responsible choice for your little one's developing hands.Le Petit Matisse HAND POURED CRAYONS - ALL NATURAL & MADE FOR LITTLE HANDS. With only four ingredients, our crayons are sustainable, all natural and fun. No need to get out the dictionary to find out what's in them! Beeswax, non GMO soy wax, candellila wax, and mineral pigments. That's it!  The crayons come in two styles: The rocks of crayon are specially designed for little hands, and are a valuable tool in helping with pincer grasp.  The twist-up crayons are perfect for older kids, and awesome to take on tripsLe Petit Matisse APRONS - PERFECT FOR THE BUSY YOUNG ARTIST!Specially designed to grow with your little artist with an adjustable neck/waist strap and a handy front pocket to keep things like paint brushes and other art supplies.  All our aprons are locally hand cut and sewn, and made of organic cotton & hemp  blend fabric. Imagine . Create . ShareThe motto to our brand is just that.Three years ago I imagine a way for children to enjoy art without boundaries.  The boundaries of not knowing what's in your children's paint, for example.I then created our products (and our studio).I now would like to share with kids and parents all over! Now I Need a Bigger Space. HELP! For the past three years, I've been making ALL our products out of my tiny kitchen after everyone is asleep! Since I'm a clean freak (and to prevent any cross contamination), it's very time consuming to turn my kitchen into a lab/production room every time I have to make more products to be used at the studio, or to fulfill orders.Your help will enable our storage room to become a commercial grade production room! This alone will allow me to grow my business significantly over the next year, as I share this great product line with people every where.So here's the initial cost break down: Production room - $ 6 - 10k Bottle Fillers - $3k ( Dough mixer - $600 Dough cutter/rounder - $3k Raw materials in large quantities (25kg and up) - $250+ per ingredient Initial Packaging - $1,500 Dedicated Website - $1,500 ** For every $ we go above our goal, we will also be able to add the following:$270 - Stirring hot plate (for making crayons) each. We'd like to have six of them so we can make all six colors of crayons simultaneously. Right now I have one hot plate that was donated to me by a biotech company that was closing down shop$60 x 6 (colors)-  silicon mold for our crayons. Each color needs its own. right now I'm sharing one single mold for them all$1700 - Pay for booth at San Francisco's Green Festival this November. My first official trade show!Your help I will also make it possible for my products to become available in a store near you! My long term goal is to make sure products like mine are no longer a luxury, but the norm!  This is my way to contributing towards the next generation of Picassos, Matisses, Fridas and Monets. This project will only be funded if I reach my full goal!  So please share this page with all your friends.  Thank you for your pledge.The Rewards Our Twist up crayons. Great for trips! Our awesome glue. Did I hear collage?! Rocks of Crayon rock! Our Silky (and nice smelling) Young Artist Paint - for this campaign only available in the primary colors Gluten free play clay, yummm Water colors chubby brushes Press Risks and challengesSome of our raw materials are imported from France, so it is highly unlikely, but the customs officer may be having a bad day. That may delay the delivery of certain items. Luckily, I have a small inventory of my products already, so most of the orders will be fulfilled on time in case of any delays with my raw materialsLearn about accountability on KickstarterQuestions about this project? Check out the FAQReport this project to Kickstarter 134672,3868,0029,4389,3229,2619,2478,9744,2112,858,473,572,011,630,590,674,383,9413,526,913,945,271,1112,186,762,671,042,382,904,834,310,520,150,000,157,880,450,070,220,8211,070,893,640,971,712,532,083,420,890,071,781,710,890,220,000,528,922,751,783,121,860,452,158,770,8212,781,116,844,833,791,560,671,860,000,070,370,070,070,220,000,0018,354,014,010,520,070,592,081,860,001,561,632,01
1This is a photo book project of a minimum of 160 pages. Documenting abandoned businesses in the 159 counties of Georgia.{"id":280,"name":"Photobooks","slug":"photography/photobooks","position":5,"parent_id":15,"parent_name":"Photography","color":58341,"urls":{"web":{"discover":""}}}10USthe United States1441724086{"id":805003511,"name":"William Douglas","is_registered":null,"chosen_currency":null,"is_superbacker":null,"avatar":{"thumb":""}}}USD$TRUEUSD1444321165FALSE 11500363171617 FALSE 1441729165{"id":2395298,"name":"East Atlanta","slug":"east-atlanta-atlanta-ga","short_name":"East Atlanta, GA","displayable_name":"East Atlanta, Atlanta, GA","localized_name":"East Atlanta","country":"US","state":"GA","type":"Suburb","is_root":false,"expanded_country":"United States","urls":{"web":{"discover":"","location":"https://www.kicksta..."}}}Forgotten Pieces of Georgia (Canceled) {"key":"assets/012/246/439/3b5225688f99046a7b57e5f9fae80279_original.jpg","full":""}10{"id":2109982,"project_id":2109982,"state":"inactive","state_changed_at":1441724086,"name":null,"blurb":null,"background_color":null,"text_color":null,"link_background_color":null,"link_text_color":null,"link_text":null,"link_url":null,"show_feature_image":false,"background_image_opacity":0.8,"should_show_feature_image_section":true,"feature_image_attributes":{"image_urls":{"default":""}}}forgotten-pieces-of-georgia{"web":{"project":""}}10domestic and challengesStoryI started this project after driving around Georgia shooting on weekend or class assignments while I was in college getting me degree in photography.I noticed as I traveled that there was a large amount of business that are now shuttered and a lot of them have closed because of the economic downturn of 2008. A lot of Georgia families have been affected by the changes in the economy and many of them lost everything they had, including not just their businesses but also their homes.It's very hard to drive around Georgia, seeing all of these businesses disappear and know these families are going through probably the worst circumstances in their lives. Their lives have been forever changed and not for the better. Some of these families had been in business for many years or even generations. Ken's Used Cars  The Citgo station which is the cover photo will be the download and print that is sent to supporters. The image will be available as canvas or metal (aluminum) prints in the list of rewards (your choice). These prints will be done through BayPhoto and will be limited in number and only available to KICKSTARTER supporters. Forgotten Collage All the images in the book and the prints will be watermark free I only have the water mark on the online versions.Stretch Goal #1If the project passes $2,000 I will include bonus images in the book of sunsets and other sights around Georgia like Tybee Island, Savannah and some other sights.Stretch Goal # 3If the project reaches $3,000, all supporters that pledged $5 or more will receive a downloadable copy of the book in PDF format for viewing on desktops, or tablets. The digital copy will be non-printable.If necessary, I will add more stretch goals should the need arise.You can view my work at my personal photography site  or on my Liam Photography site and also on my Forgotten Pieces of Georgia Facebook page.Risks and challengesThe risks and challenges for this project were mostly during shooting. Other than the page listing Kickstarter supporters and the bonus pages (if the project reaches it's stretch goals), the only things left to design are the book spine and dust jacket. I will have to wait until I know the exact length of the book since any bonus sections will affect the thickness of the book. The original book itself will be 160 pages. I have allowed time to completed the project and book for on time shipping.Learn about accountability on KickstarterQuestions about this project? Check out the FAQReport this project to Kickstarter 44180,1839,2741,6168,5631,5023,5882,3151,259,985,223,170,000,450,001,594,768,3914,069,753,857,480,4514,973,402,040,231,593,404,313,170,910,450,000,233,850,680,000,000,0010,201,131,810,913,401,813,403,402,950,000,450,910,230,450,000,235,900,913,400,452,490,684,767,712,9512,932,047,483,637,943,170,912,490,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,0010,204,542,040,000,000,230,000,230,000,681,361,13
859Let's enable movement while upholding cultural beliefs, because all girls deserve to play. #UnitedWePlay{"id":263,"name":"Apparel","slug":"fashion/apparel","position":2,"parent_id":9,"parent_name":"Fashion","color":16752598,"urls":{"web":{"discover":""}}}38159USthe United States1470707412{"id":1913748268,"name":"ASIYAâ„¢ Modest Activewear","is_registered":null,"chosen_currency":null,"is_superbacker":null,"avatar":{"thumb":""}}}USD$TRUEUSD1479398744FALSE 1250001961419297 FALSE 1476803144{"id":2452078,"name":"Minneapolis","slug":"minneapolis-mn","short_name":"Minneapolis, MN","displayable_name":"Minneapolis, MN","localized_name":"Minneapolis","country":"US","state":"MN","type":"Town","is_root":false,"expanded_country":"United States","urls":{"web":{"discover":"","location":""}}}ASIYAâ„¢: Activewear Designed to Enable Muslim Athletes {"key":"assets/013/929/478/ae7dea7377039ea31f170778a14053d3_original.jpg","full":""}38159.1999999999{"id":2631959,"project_id":2631959,"state":"inactive","state_changed_at":1470707412,"name":null,"blurb":null,"background_color":null,"text_color":null,"link_background_color":null,"link_text_color":null,"link_text":null,"link_url":null,"show_feature_image":false,"background_image_opacity":0.8,"should_show_feature_image_section":true,"feature_image_attributes":{"image_urls":{"default":""}}}asiyatm-activewear-designed-to-enable-muslim-athle{"web":{"project":""}}38159.1999999999domestic and challengesStoryDid you know that the participation rate of Muslim girls in sports is about half that of their peers? One of the barriers to participation is the clothing worn for religious and cultural reasons. We aim to change that. ASIYAâ„¢ is culturally-appropriate activewear. Our innovative fitness fashions and fabrics are easy to move in, to play in, to compete in. ASIYA honors and encourages Muslim women of all ages—young girls, tweens, teens, mature women—to experience a new level of confidence, cultural integrity, comfort, and health. Sports participation is important for building lifelong leadership skills and self-confidence. In fact, in one survey it was discovered that 94% of women executives participated in sports (Source: EY Women Athletes Business Network & espnW, October 2014). We want all girls to have the opportunity to establish healthy lifestyles and build a foundation for future success. Our first line of products — sports hijabs — will enable Muslim girls and women to be physically active and participate in sports while upholding their religious and cultural beliefs. And if you don't wear a hijab, you can still support this effort to empower more young women to play (and win).     ASIYA is creating three styles of sports hijabs to meet the specific needs of the Muslim female athletes who inspired and designed them. ASIYAâ„¢Lite and ASIYAâ„¢Sport are ideal for sports practice or games, with the ASIYA Sport design tailored close to the neck and intended to tuck inside a uniform to avoid inadvertent snags or grabs from other players. ASIYAâ„¢Fit is ideal for working out with additional coverage in the front. Designed to stay secure without the need for pins, our stretchy one-size-fits-all sports hijabs have a unique head-band feature inside to hold the hijab tight to the base of the neck. Each style is made from our unique sweat-wicking and breathable soft mesh ASIYAâ„¢Cool fabric technology, so athletes can stay cool and comfortable while dressing modestly. Finally, a line of sports hijabs to help Muslim girls and women alike enjoy all the benefits of playing sports. We Believe In Modesty — Clothing can represent your beliefs and who you are as a person. We Believe In Freedom — Clothing should enable your endeavors, not be a barrier.We Believe In The Power Of Sport — Participation in sports helps set girls up for success as students, community members, and future leaders.We are in the midst of worldwide dialogue around topics like immigration, what women should and shouldn’t wear, and overall racial equality, questioning how we honor freedom of expression and inclusion.  At the same time, amazing Muslim female athlete role models are emerging as international sports organizations are lifting their bans on headwear to allow Muslim women to compete in the hijab. Earlier this year we even saw the first-ever US Olympian compete in a hijab, silver medalist Ibtihaj Muhammad (who reportedly chose to pursue fencing because the helmet covered her hair and neck). We want to join these amazing athletes as champions of inclusion and empowerment. The idea for ASIYA began in the Brian Coyle Community Center gym, in the Cedar-Riverside neighborhood of Minneapolis, where Fatimah Hussein has been helping young Muslim girls gain access to sports and physical activity for the past decade. She founded a non-profit program — G.I.R.L.S. (Girls Initiative in Recreation and Leisurely Sports) — to create girls-only gym time several nights a week.  As the girls gained self-confidence and a love of sports, they wanted athletic uniforms and apparel that let them compete in public while upholding their religious and cultural beliefs. In a collaboration with the Cedar-Riverside community and the University of Minnesota, prototype basketball uniforms were developed in 2015, but Fatimah soon realized that a versatile line of sports hijabs — something that wasn’t readily available in the U.S. or anywhere — would create many more opportunities for girls to participate and grow through team play. That realization inspired several generations of prototypes that were tested by the girls to optimize for fit, fabric, and performance. Experienced marketer Jamie Glover, who credits sports for helping to shape who she is today, joined Fatimah to build a brand so they could meet this need beyond Minneapolis. Watch the girls run with the World Champion Minnesota Lynx in this recent WCCO-TV story. Our brand name ASIYA (AH-see-ah) was selected because it’s the name of a highly revered woman from Islamic history, Asiya bint Muzahim, who is known for being courageous and standing up against injustice. We thought she was the ideal role model and champion for our cause. The young girls you see in this campaign have been an integral part of the product design process and they can’t wait for finished production versions of these sports hijabs to be ready for action. That’s where you come in...    We need Kickstarter funding so we can proceed with manufacturing our first line of sports hijabs for distribution around the world.   This campaign will also help us get the word out to the broader community and hopefully inspire them to support all girls in their desire to play, to be part of a team, and to reach their full potential through sports and physical activity. Purchasing fabric Cutting+Sewing manufacturing (we're proud to be Made in the USA!) Outfitting athletes with sports hijabs so they can play to their potential Whether you want to pre-order a hijab or just help this mission become a reality, we have a reward option for you! All three styles of sports hijabs are available for pre-order through this campaign in your choice of color — white, black, navy, or grey (with more custom colors also available). You can have a single hijab in any style for $25 (that’s 30% off the retail price), or you can opt for a dual-pack of hijabs in different colors and/or styles for $45 (that’s 35% off the retail price). Great for home and away game color options or having different styles for different uses. If you want a dual-pack of hijabs AND the rest of our ASIYA gear available through this campaign (long sleeve shirt, drawstring bag, headband), there’s an option for that as well at the $100 level. And we have an exclusive offer (max of 10) where you can customize the design of any of our sports hijab styles. Print whatever pattern you want on the fabric or choose colors to match your team. You choose, we’ll make it happen! For campaign backers who want to support this effort but do not have a need for a sports hijab, we have several reward tiers where your contribution helps sponsor a young Muslim athlete. For every ten $25 contributions (or every five $50 contributions) a promising athlete will be outfitted with an ASIYA hijab and gear. And as a thank you, we’ll send you some fun ASIYA-branded gear — either a headband or drawstring bag at the $25 level, or a high-performance long sleeve activewear shirt for $50. You can also sponsor an athlete on your own at the $250 level, or a full team for $1,000.  And at $2,500, we’ll outfit a full team and “kickstart” their season by paying their league/team participation fees while also working with them to test and develop our next line of modest activewear products.    Fatimah Hussein, CEO, Co-Founder  As a Licensed Graduate Social Worker, Fatimah has been dedicated to serving her community in Minneapolis for many years. Recognizing the need for girls-specific physical activities in the Muslim community specifically, she established the non-profit organization Girls Initiative in Recreation and Leisurely Sports (G.I.R.L.S.) in 2008, which provides resources and gym access for girls. Now she’s driven to make sure every Muslim girl who wants to play sports is able to play sports and gain all the lifelong benefits without needing to compromise her cultural beliefs.  Jamie Glover, President & COO, Co-Founder  Growing up playing competitive sports through college, including being named All-American Honorable Mention in volleyball, Jamie strongly believes that the court and field are critical classrooms for learning leadership, teamwork, and lessons like how to win with grace and lose with dignity. After ten years managing marketing roles for major brands, she is excited about working on this social venture, using business for good and making a meaningful impact in the world. Jan-March 2016: Product Design - fit & style  March-May 2016: Fabric Sourcing - evaluated over 80+ fabrics!  May-June 2016: Prototype Development  July-Sept 2016: Testing and Business Planning  Oct-Nov 2016: Kickstarter!  Nov 2016 -Jan 2017: Manufacturing  Feb 2017: Fulfillment - rewards received by the end of February!  March 2017: Online sales of sports hijabs   April-June 2017: Development of next line - team uniforms & activewear! Please support this campaign to help us create innovative activewear that is easy to move in, to play in, to compete in, and ultimately honor and encourage Muslim women of all ages to experience the benefits of playing sports while upholding their religious and cultural beliefs. Thank you!     Risks and challengesWe are working with a new manufacturer, for the first time, so there is a potential for delays in the production process. We will make every available effort to deliver all rewards by the fulfillment deadlines and we promise to notify all of our backers if there is reason to believe there could be a delay.Learn about accountability on KickstarterQuestions about this project? Check out the FAQReport this project to Kickstarter 164492,9289,927,1998,1229,8923,3077,2540,577,735,110,121,951,460,491,092,626,1414,844,562,316,450,309,124,081,581,092,681,955,965,720,240,120,060,0611,560,000,062,430,009,612,012,071,701,951,521,761,220,730,000,301,160,610,360,000,0610,894,144,932,921,890,241,406,630,9110,520,856,023,535,414,620,121,091,400,000,430,000,120,240,180,0015,754,204,260,610,000,120,492,310,790,121,581,28
15Featuring -  talented voice actors, music and sound effects, and professional narration.{"id":296,"name":"Fantasy","slug":"film & video/fantasy","position":8,"parent_id":11,"parent_name":"Film & Video","color":16734574,"urls":{"web":{"discover":""}}}522USthe United States1464571830{"id":1203912005,"name":"Aaron Pacentine","is_registered":null,"chosen_currency":null,"is_superbacker":null,"avatar":{"thumb":""}}}USD$TRUEUSD1465915181FALSE 1500214608460 FALSE 1464619181{"id":2365649,"name":"Bloomington","slug":"bloomington-in","short_name":"Bloomington, IN","displayable_name":"Bloomington, IN","localized_name":"Bloomington","country":"US","state":"IN","type":"Town","is_root":false,"expanded_country":"United States","urls":{"web":{"discover":"","location":""}}}The Wonderful Wizard of Oz: Audio Drama {"key":"assets/012/568/136/cfd1afdb41a5272da2df1ba5499fc6e0_original.jpg","full":""}522.99{"id":2537430,"project_id":2537430,"state":"active","state_changed_at":1468183521,"name":"The Wonderful Wizard of Oz: Audio Drama","blurb":"Featuring -  talented voice actors, music and sound effects, and professional narration.","background_color":"","text_color":"","link_background_color":"","link_text_color":"","link_text":"Follow along!","link_url":""}}}the-wonderful-wizard-of-oz-a-new-audio-drama{"web":{"project":""}}522.99domestic and challengesStory"The Wonderful Wizard of Oz" audio drama is being producer by Oz fan and filmmaker Aaron Pacentine, along side producer and writer, Landon Parks. Aaron produced and self-distributed the Oz documentary, "The Wonderful World of Oz". He has been to many Oz events and worked at many Oz related events and Wizard of Oz productions over the years. Both as a person visiting as a spectator and having his collection displayed and greeting and meeting patrons and audience members. Aaron Pacentine  Landon Parks owns Mysteria Filmworks Ltd. Co. is a Cincinnati-based motion picture, new media, and television production and distribution company. He helped Aaron produce the film, "The Wonderful World of Oz". Which is now available on DVD and soon to be available on digital platforms.  Landon Parks This show is co-produce by Robert Welch, grandson of Oz's special effects director Buddy Gillespie. Buddy did all the special effects for M-G-M'S "The Wizard of Oz". Robert is co-editor of The Wizard of MGM, the memoir of his grandfather A. Arnold “Buddy” Gillespie, head of special effects for MGM studio in its heyday. At the Fest, Robert will be presenting the program, “The Wizard of Oz – From tornadoes to flying monkeys, a fun filled retrospective on effects and techniques developed by the pioneers of MGM Studios.” “Buddy” Gillespie was the MGM Studio’s expert on bringing magic to the silver screen.   Robert Welch, left with Robby from FORBIDDEN PLANET, and his grandfather, A. Arnold Gillespie, the Wizard of MGM, holding the miniature shuttle driven by Robby.  The script is also been written by Joe Falabella. Joe has composed music for a number of films and many short films. Joe Falabella  After, Aaron Pacentine finished his Oz film. Landon and Aaron decided to do another special DVD featuring footage, and extra special Oz related material pertaining to L. Frank Baum, Oz, and the documentary, "The Wonderful World of Oz". After much consideration they decided to put together an audio drama based on the first Oz book. That book is, "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz". Hiring nationally - they had auditions set for the voice roles for this new and very exciting family-friendly audio drama on Oz.The Oz Rewards  A post card, with the "Wonderful World of Oz" logo on it + a hand written note from producer - Aaron Pacentine & Landon Oz Post Card with Wonderful World of Oz Logo  A Return To Oz Replica Reproduction golden plated key - in 24k gold. Return To Oz Gold Plated Key Wonderful Wizard of Oz Audio Drama - Digital Download & Professional  CDR of Production - with CD booklet with credits, cast and more! Extended Special Disc of The Wonderful World of Oz with Extra FeaturesSpecial Reward for $125 LEVEL ONLY (1 AVAILABLE)  RARE Return To Oz Scarecrow Plush   RARE Return to Oz Story Tape With Disc of Transfer   Mombi Replica Reproduction Key  Risks and challengesThe main risks that I see - that may come into play is issues getting this audio drama done by September. Sometimes people move - sometimes people get sick. I think that in general - I know I can overcome these issues by making sure I give all my backers - a complete and heads up on any issues that may arise. I believe that being upfront and honest is always very important in this line of work. Communication is also a very important key. I recently did not reach a goal for another project to bring my Oz film - to digital platforms. Thankfully a good person - and friend came forward and gave me a good and basic digital and DVD distribution deal. The deal has now been set and we are continual hard at work to bring it to more outlets. I look forward to bringing this newly scripted Oz audio drama to light.Learn about accountability on KickstarterQuestions about this project? Check out the FAQReport this project to Kickstarter 66895,5263,4710,9590,2419,6522,9069,4636,985,992,991,650,150,000,900,302,996,4413,924,791,654,940,159,436,141,050,150,452,105,244,490,600,300,000,005,240,600,600,001,655,541,952,400,000,900,750,152,541,051,200,300,600,450,150,000,005,241,501,651,051,200,302,695,240,6010,782,255,693,145,693,890,450,300,150,000,000,000,000,000,000,0015,425,243,740,000,000,150,152,692,250,300,300,60
3Also love sending postcards? Here are some unique postcards, for every occasion.  Also available as posters!{"id":54,"name":"Mixed Media","slug":"art/mixed media","position":6,"parent_id":1,"parent_name":"Art","color":16760235,"urls":{"web":{"discover":""}}}34NLthe Netherlands1521802678{"id":15707347,"name":"sterre","slug":"soapytuesday","is_registered":null,"chosen_currency":null,"is_superbacker":null,"avatar":{"thumb":""}}}EUR€FALSEUSD1524423055FALSE 1.08690926500500852806 FALSE 1521831055{"id":727232,"name":"Amsterdam","slug":"amsterdam-nl","short_name":"Amsterdam, Netherlands","displayable_name":"Amsterdam, Netherlands","localized_name":"Amsterdam","country":"NL","state":"North Holland","type":"Town","is_root":false,"expanded_country":"Netherlands","urls":{"web":{"discover":"","location":""}}}Unique handmade postcard / poster set / + pizza shirt {"key":"assets/020/645/151/0c18e0c024144a6921bdbfa3e8a83027_original.jpg","full":""}28{"id":3340702,"project_id":3340702,"state":"inactive","state_changed_at":1521802678,"name":null,"blurb":null,"background_color":null,"text_color":null,"link_background_color":null,"link_text_color":null,"link_text":null,"link_url":null,"show_feature_image":false,"background_image_opacity":0.8,"should_show_feature_image_section":true,"feature_image_attributes":{"image_urls":{"default":""}}}unique-handmade-postcard-set{"web":{"project":""}}34.6170062domestic and challengesStoryPOSTCARDS.Every postcard that you can buy in stores is almost the same. They are not unique or look very good. So i have created 3 unique designs for postcards. Are they different? Yes. Are they a bit weird? Yes. Are they unique? Definitely. I made them using old magazines, postcards and made a collage with them. The postcards will have a normal postcards size; A6 (14,8 × 10,5 cm or 5,9 x 4,3 inch). Every package will contain 6 postcards (2 of each design). And depending on the rewards you will get 6 white blank envelops with them. (Off course the watermark (Soapytuesday) will be gone) Tasty lips postcard Cold Bra Postcard Traveling Couple Postcard POSTERSPersonally i love getting and sending out postcards. Isn't it a nicer feeling when you get a postcard from someone instead of a message on your phone?But i know that not everyone is a big fan of postcards. Which is why i also offer my designs as a digital download. I had them scanned so you can print them at home on any kind of paper you want in any size. (However i do not recommend bigger then A2. I made these poster on A3 size and i don't want the quality to get bad)Why do i not make and send the posters myself? In my store i do sell some handmade posters. But i have noticed that it can be difficult to make sure these postcards get delivered without any damage. Also everyone would like a different size or likes different paper finishes. This is why i decided to offer them as a digital download. This way anyone can print them in a way they like.  (personal use only)  mock up of the 3 posters ABOUT ME. My name is Sterre. I am a 21 year old art student in the Netherlands. Ever since i was young i have always been busy with art and creating stuff. Last year i opened my own store on Etsy filled with my handmade posters, postcards and shirts. Since i opened my own store 2 years ago i noticed that i really loved having my own store. So i have expanded it since then. I now have my own online store filled with items that i love. Its not done yet and i would love to keep working on it. But its been hard to get people to notice my store since its now no longer connected to Etsy. But im hopeful and i love to keep working on it. Kickstarter is a way to show what i make to more people. The goal is not to get more people to my store. All i want is for people to like my art. This gives me so much motivation to keep creating! Different handmade postcards REWARDS.After some long thinking i have carefully made the rewards. I want to make sure that the everything is perfect. Which means i will have to go check out a few different stores, paper kinds, printing methods and more to make sure its exactly as i want it. Making these postcards is going to cost me quite some time and some money. This is why i have chosen for these specific prices and the goals for at least 500 euros. This gives me the chance to order in large quantities to keep the prices as low as possible. This will also cover the costs of printing, packaging, and leaves room for some tries and failures. If this project is successful i will start by looking for the bast quality paper. And the best place to have everything printed. I aim for a perfect quality for this project, cause im not doing this for profit. I want to deliver good products. And i will some time to figure everything out. So i aim to ship everything in June, but it might be earlier or later (even though im going to try my hardest not to be delayed) Closeup of one of my handmade postcards PIZZA SHIRT. This pizza shirt is designed by me. Printed on high quality 100% cotton shirts. They are unisex so anyone can wear them. Unfortunately i can only sell them in 3 sizes: Small, Medium and Large. If you have backed the rewards with the Shirt, i will send you an email (with the size table) so you can pick your desired size. Size table:CM Size S - width 48.50 - length 69.50   //   Size M - width 53.50 - length 72.00   //   Size L - width 56.00 - length 74.50INCH Size S - width 19.10 - length 27.40   //  Size M - width 21.10 - length 28.30    //  Size L - width 22.00 - length 29.30 Pizza shirt Pizza shirt Close up pizza design BACKED MY PROJECT?Thank you so so so much. This really means a lot to me! Cant wait to start working on more and more projects! Want to see my store and some more handmade work? You can check it out here:soapytuesday Soapy Tuesday BewarenRisks and challengesOne of the challenges for this project is going to be planning and testing. I have never worked on a project this big. But i am highly motivated to do this. Planning for this is going to be difficult. Im going to have to do a lot of testing to make sure i get the best results. Im going to have to be critical about my own work and make sure im 100% satisfied with what i deliver. Its going to be stressful and hard. But it will an adventure and a great way for me to grow.Learn about accountability on KickstarterQuestions about this project? Check out the FAQReport this project to Kickstarter 97053,0129,9465,5780,0815,9015,7782,1649,1815,9810,317,530,001,240,001,555,674,5411,868,763,926,191,4416,805,883,090,933,302,895,364,121,130,100,210,216,080,000,000,000,0013,711,343,301,343,092,273,611,340,620,100,522,060,930,000,000,626,800,622,891,552,580,521,7512,892,3712,271,866,803,513,610,520,212,160,000,000,210,000,000,210,000,0013,616,491,440,310,100,820,311,240,000,211,651,03
7493Sesame replaces your keys with your phone in seconds. It also fits on your lock in seconds, without removing or swapping anything.{"id":338,"name":"Robots","slug":"technology/robots","position":10,"parent_id":16,"parent_name":"Technology","color":6526716,"urls":{"web":{"discover":""}}}1428519USthe United States1416556400{"id":1425492550,"name":"CANDY HOUSE Inc.","slug":"candyhouse","is_registered":null,"chosen_currency":null,"is_superbacker":null,"avatar":{"thumb":""}}}USD$TRUEUSD1430070786FALSE 1100000990028891 FALSE 1424890386{"id":2467861,"name":"Palo Alto","slug":"palo-alto-ca","short_name":"Palo Alto, CA","displayable_name":"Palo Alto, CA","localized_name":"Palo Alto","country":"US","state":"CA","type":"Town","is_root":false,"expanded_country":"United States","urls":{"web":{"discover":"","location":""}}}Sesame. Your key, reinvented. {"key":"assets/011/952/052/7dfecc210878e2a7a4cfb8ecd38c4fee_original.jpg","full":""}1428519.56{"id":1529702,"project_id":1529702,"state":"active","state_changed_at":1430080192,"name":"Sesame. Your key, reinvented.","blurb":"Sesame replaces your keys with your phone. It fits on your lock in seconds - no need to remove or swap anything. Questions? Email","background_color":"f4fafa","text_color":"0f0f0e","link_background_color":"d32b61","link_text_color":"","link_text":"ORDER NOW","link_url":"","show_feature_image":false,"background_image_opacity":0.8,"background_image_..."}}}sesame-your-key-reinvented{"web":{"project":""}}1428519.56domestic and challengesStory Less is More Leave your keys behind: Just lock and unlock your door using the Sesame app on your phone. Better yet, open Sesame with a custom knock on your phone or door. Your keys, reinvented.  Share access: Allow guests in no matter where you are. Control who has access and when.  Log records: Receive a notification whenever your door opens or closes.  Installs in seconds: Simply tape Sesame to your door with a single strip of 3M Command tape (supplied). It fits your lock without removing or swapping anything. No tools required.  Fits all deadbolts: Sesame works with just about any single cylinder deadbolt in the USA/ Canada/ Denmark/ Sweden/ Norway/ Singapore/ Japan/ Malaysia thanks to five-patented self-adjusting mechanisms. Sesame doesn't even need to be exactly at the center of your lock or at any specific angle. It just works with your lock perfectly. Long battery life: Sesame lasts about 500 days on lithium batteries (supplied), and sends a notification when the batteries are low.  When you leave the house, you always brings the three things: your keys, your wallet, and your phone. Now, your phone is your keys!  Reported by : Rewards No Tools Required  You'll need an HTML5 capable browser to see this content. Play Replay with sound Play with sound 00:00 00:00 Off English 日本語 繁體中文 1. Download the free app. 2. Attach Sesame to your existing lock. (This only takes a few seconds. Really.) 3. That’s it! Celebrate your new, key-free life. Sesame doesn't even need to be exactly at the center of your lock or at any specific angle. It just works with your lock perfectly. We're doing what others think is impossible. There’s no need to replace or remove anything. No screwdrivers, no hammers, not even an allen wrench. Sesame makes magic happen. Have a weird lock? No problem. Our five-patented design works with just about any single cylinder deadbolt in the world.* For instance, the transforming picture shown below shows more than a dozen of the typical locks in North America. Sesame can perfectly work on these even though they are quite different from each other.  *Current model is optimized for US/ Canada/ Denmark/ Sweden/ Norway/ Singapore/ Malaysia Markets but also works for Japanese deadbolts. See more at Update#1 & Update#2. Why You Need It     Log Records   You can receive notifications whenever your lock opens and closes.    You’ll always know exactly who’s coming and going—and exactly when. Make It Even Better Connect Sesame to the Internet with a WiFi Access Point. The optional WiFi access point connects Sesame to the Internet without further draining the batteries. The Wi-Fi Access Point runs open source OpenWrt Linux and uses 2.4GHz 802.11b/g/n WiFi and a Bluetooth LE 4.0 radio. It’s fully compatible with Arduino IDE v1.5.4 or later -- the ideal choice to connect your Bluetooth devices to your home/mesh Wi-Fi network.  Why It's Safe Our Philosophy Specs Why We Are Better You'll need an HTML5 capable browser to see this content. Play Replay with sound Play with sound 00:00 00:00 Sesame also fits more deadbolt locks than August does (check back later, we'll have video illustration in updates).   Sesame, probably the lightest "smart" lock ever designed (5.7 oz / 161 g with two batteries) is super robust on the door. According to 3M, the 3M Command Large double-sided tape has a weight capacity‎ of 5 pounds‎ (2268 g), which is nearly 15 times of Sesame's weight. Never worry that Sesame will fall off. Simply tape Sesame to your door with a single strip of 3M Command tape (supplied), which won't leave a trace when removed [Video]. Timeline Campaign Stretch Goals How We Got Here  From the first to the fifth generation, we are dedicated to making Sesame smaller, smarter and stronger. CANDY HOUSE Inc. brings you ingenuity directly out of Stanford University. It was founded in 2014 by Jerming Gu (CHE-MING KU, from Taiwan) and Jongho Shin (from Korea), together with their best friends Wei-ting Kuo, Bou-chen Kuo, and Wen-hang Su. Special Thanks Adam Lisagor, FLUX 3D Printer, Yuqing Pan, Gary Chang, Sungjune Jang(장성준), Leonard Pak, Wanting Huang, Liam Kane-Grade, Chenhao Zhu and Sugino Mako. CANDY HOUSE cannot be here without all of you. Copyright Sesame Trademark. Selected Funny videos from Updates You'll need an HTML5 capable browser to see this content. Play Replay with sound Play with sound 00:00 00:00 You'll need an HTML5 capable browser to see this content. Play Replay with sound Play with sound 00:00 00:00 Off English 日本語 繁體中文 Risks and challengesSUPPLY CHAIN AND LOGISTICS We expect our manufacturing partner in Taiwan to start production in March 2015 and hope to make our first shipment in April. It’s the Chinese New Year in late February, but we’re talking with our manufacturer to figure out how to minimize its impact on our shipping schedule.Learn about accountability on KickstarterQuestions about this project? Check out the FAQReport this project to Kickstarter 88983,7179,4214,8279,1816,7719,0164,4536,118,555,510,001,463,820,000,223,044,6111,593,824,954,271,809,344,612,141,915,292,024,273,600,670,220,110,117,310,000,340,000,009,340,561,801,572,021,802,472,811,121,460,220,790,000,220,110,457,312,023,041,351,800,340,348,321,1213,272,026,754,722,701,461,120,560,000,000,450,110,340,000,000,0021,036,523,491,800,000,220,221,570,791,242,252,92
21WSA's Third Year Fine Art are excited to host their upcoming Graduate show at Free Range- The Old Truman Brewery London #WSA25{"id":54,"name":"Mixed Media","slug":"art/mixed media","position":6,"parent_id":1,"parent_name":"Art","color":16760235,"urls":{"web":{"discover":""}}}458GBthe United Kingdom1459432447{"id":917281777,"name":"WSA25","is_registered":null,"chosen_currency":null,"is_superbacker":null,"avatar":{"thumb":""}}}GBP£FALSEUSD1465383600FALSE 1.295177413001071938191 FALSE 1462021805{"id":44418,"name":"London","slug":"london-gb","short_name":"London, UK","displayable_name":"London, UK","localized_name":"London","country":"GB","state":"England","type":"Town","is_root":false,"expanded_country":"United Kingdom","urls":{"web":{"discover":"","location":""}}}WSA:25 (London Degree Show 2016) {"key":"assets/011/382/104/74bc361995d59736e419794294bae8b5_original.jpg","full":""}315{"id":2449130,"project_id":2449130,"state":"active","state_changed_at":1465412016,"name":"WSA:25 (London Degree Show 2016)","blurb":"WSA's Third Year Fine Art are excited to host their upcoming Graduate show at Free Range- The Old Truman Brewery London #WSA25","background_color":"","text_color":"","link_background_color":"fd0d6b","link_text_color":"fbf5f5","link_text":"Follow WSA25 Here","link_url":"","show_feature_image"..."}}}wsa-25-london-degree-show-2016{"web":{"project":""}}461.227599domestic and challengesStory#WSA25 Is a collective of third year Fine Art students from The Winchester School of Art, University of Southampton.  Sheina Macbeth "Opheliac part 2" Coloured analogue film photograph digitally edited. Each year graduating students host and curate a show in London, following their final major project degree show at The Winchester School of Art. This year, 25 students are excited to be part of 'The Free Range Graduate Art Show' running from the 6th-12th July at The Old Truman Brewery London. Artist: Kate Allen, WSA Fine Art Private viewing: Thursday (6pm - 10pm) Open to the public: Friday – Sunday (10am - 7pm) and Monday (10am - 4pm) This is an important opportunity for the students, being the last chance to show as a year group and providing an invaluable experience as practicing artists.   The collective are fundraising to help cover the cost of the space hire and production of the exhibition. (As well as the Private Viewing Event!)This is a group-initiated and curated show and any news together with exciting project developments will be posted on the feed!  Artist: Kayleigh Sharp, WSA Fine Art Free Range...... a project started by Tamsin O'Hanlon in 2001 allowing graduates the opportunity to show work on a professional and international level to both industry and the wider public. practising artist will also have a Free Range portfolio page! Links to these pages will be posted as the project develops. Free Range (Logo courtesy of Free Range) Participating artists in the WSA London Show 2016: • Seth Aitch • Kate Allen • Denise Barbour • James Briggs • Jessica Cox • Mia Delve • Annette Eales • Amy Flanagan • Elaine Ford • Beth Frost • Sharon Harvey • Jacob Hepworth-wain • C Hoi Ki • Charlie Leverett • Lee Li • Sheina Macbeth • Ellie Man • Cor Pigfishball • Kayleigh Sharp • Joshua Spackman • Jordan Stewart • George Thom • Donna Thomas • Chez Stone • Amy Whitfield   Risks and challengesWe have already faced many challenges for this project! Our main worry is completing our final major projects! Then onto the London Show, which this campaign is for- we hope we can raise the target amount to we can put on a great graduate show!Learn about accountability on KickstarterQuestions about this project? Check out the FAQReport this project to Kickstarter 41796,4170,123,4693,4137,9121,3461,1528,783,601,440,001,200,000,000,242,167,4310,074,321,204,080,006,474,801,440,241,202,165,284,800,480,480,000,004,080,000,000,000,241,920,480,720,240,720,000,003,843,120,000,480,240,000,000,000,246,712,161,921,921,200,240,964,561,209,830,724,804,328,153,120,002,160,000,000,720,000,480,000,240,0016,314,321,681,200,000,481,442,160,720,722,401,20
We’re dying to get your help in determining what the new profile picture frame should be this Halloween. Cast your vote and help us haunt the Community with the best spooky character.
Don’t ghost us—pick your favorite now!