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Using Multi-Row formula to match ID number on different rows and collaspe into one row

6 - Meteoroid

Hello All - 

I have a dataset containing rows for transactions with multiple data fields associated with each transaction. In some cases transactions are reversed and in this case the original transaction remains the same and a new row is added for the reversing transaction. I need to match up the original transaction row with the reversing transaction row and collapse both rows into one, while bringing some pieces of information from the reversing transaction row to the original transaction row. I have an ID that I can use to match the two rows but the ID is contained in two separate columns, occurring once on each row. I believe I can use the multi-row formula to solve this problem but I'm not sure how. Below is a snippet - the top 2 rows are examples from my existing data set and the bottom section contains what I want the new single row to look like. 



I'm also attaching my data set just in case. 


Thanks for your help!!



14 - Magnetar

Hi, maybe this will do it.



6 - Meteoroid

Thank you GabrielVilella! It works! I appreciate you doing this for me. 


14 - Magnetar

Happy to help @kristi! Don't forget to mark my reply as the solution ðŸ™‚

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