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Use Dynamic Input with Pre-SQL Statement to update table

8 - Asteroid


I have an input table that looks similar to the Text Input shown below.





In my workflow I am feeding the output of the 'Text Input' to a 'Dynamic Input' tool. The 'Dynamic Input' tool is configured to connect to an IBM DB2 database.


I want to run a pre-SQL command in order to update a table in a database where only the values in DIV_NBR are updated to the corresponding STAT_CD.





If I use an 'Input' tool, I am able to do this as I can specify which DIV_NBR I want updated. Since the DIV_NBR can change dynamically (in the real application the Text Input will be replaced by an Excel file), I want to configure the Dynamic Input such that it takes the 'DIV NBR' and uses it to update the table for the corresponding DIV_NBR.


Is there a way I can do this? I have attached the sample workflow here. Can you pl advise if this is possible?



13 - Pulsar
13 - Pulsar

Hi @dpakapd ,


I don't believe there is a way to update the pre-sql statement directly in the dynamic input tool but you can dynamically update it by creating a pretty simple macro. Attached is a simple example where you can feed a query into the macro which will overwrite the pre-sql statement in the input tool inside the macro.


Action tool configuration:



8 - Asteroid

Thanks Phottovy! 
