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Updating text input column values using folder browser tool

6 - Meteoroid



I am a beginner in Alteryx, and currently, I am trying to create a simple analytics app.


My workflow starts by downloading CSV files from an SFTP server. I have text input where I have the URL and SaveTo columns. What I would like to do is that using a folder browser interface, I want the user to choose which folder they would like to save the downloaded files by updating the SaveTo column and replacing the value of ".\CSV" with the folder name the user has chosen. However, I can't make this seemingly simple task to work 😓 I've tried connecting the action tool to a select tool, or a formula tool then connecting it to the download tool, but somehow, the path does not get updated.


Can someone suggest what I need to do to make this work? 


My Alteryx Designer version is 2023.1.1.123.


Thanks in advance for the help!


My workflowMy workflowResult (without download tool enabled)Result (without download tool enabled)

7 - Meteor

You're on the right track, you just need to create an output tool to write the results to and connect the file browse/action tool to that, see the example attached. 


If you want to change the file name, make sure you update the formula in the action tool to match the new file name, as Alteryx won't do this automatically 


Hope this helps :)

6 - Meteoroid

Thanks for the guidance! However for this requirement, I need that column of SaveTo, which supposed to contain full path names of files that will be used as input in the download tool. I will need to download multiple files, and the download tool should be able to use the transformed SaveTo paths as its destination.


For example, the initial path of the file in the text input is ".\CSV\record1.csv", then the second file is ".\CSV\record2.csv", and so on. What I would like to do is that once it goes into the download tool, the SaveTo will now be "C:\Temp\record1.csv" for file 1, then "C:\Temp\record2.csv" for file 2, and so on, if the user chose "C:\Temp" from the file browser tool.


Hoping I explained my requirement clearer now. 

7 - Meteor

Ah, my apologies, hopefully the revised version attached achieves what you're looking for 


6 - Meteoroid

Thanks! Not the specific solution I was thinking of, but it provided me more idea on how to resolve my requirement! 🙏
