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Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Unwanted quote marks in csv output when input data contains apostrophes.

8 - Asteroid

In my workflow, the data coming in has apostrophes in some business names and in some last names. The data is being output as a pipe delimited csv file.  On the fields that have an apostrophe in them, they get wrapped in quotes.  All the other rows and fields are fine when there are no apostrophes.  I have tried exporting as ISO and as Unicode, but I still get the quotes. I cannot use the never option in quote output fields as it is not allowed with a delimiter.

Any ideas as to why this is happening?

14 - Magnetar

Hi, @ppatane 


Maybe you can upload sample data to explain your problem?

8 - Asteroid

I will create a dummy upload as the real data is highly confidential.  Will upload soon

8 - Asteroid

Was able to use the Never option on this workflow.  Wasn't able to use it previously with a delimiter specified.  Not sure what the difference was.
