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Unique Random Sample Selection Based on Criteria

5 - Atom

I am am currently trying to pick samples from a very large population, which normally takes hours, and I am trying to see if its possible to automate this with alteryx, given that this is a task that I perform frequently. I have attached a sample excel file that includes Fund Names, Asset ID's, and Asset Descriptions, and I need to pick samples based on the following criteria:


Criteria 1: This determines how many samples I need based on the total count of the securities within each fund. For example if a fund has more than 200 securities then I would need 16 samples, between 100 and 200 securities would be 10 samples, etc (This is shown in the attached workflow)


Criteria 2: The samples that are selected have to be unique across all the funds. For example, if I picked Asset ID "12345" from Fund C021 then this security could not be selected for any of the other funds, it would be removed from the population essentially. 


I think I need a batch macro to do this, but I am still pretty new to Alteryx and am wondering if someone can lead me in the right direction. Thanks for any help you can provide.


Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hi @jconnolly028 , correct you can develop a batch macro to sample the fund names using the counts as your control parameter.


I've attached a workflow that should help you get unique assets across your samples by filtering out the samples from the population and re-sampling based on any duplicates. Hopefully this is what you're after.







Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

@jconnolly028 just checking whether this was useful or not? If so great if you can accept it as the solution for others to find.



5 - Atom

It took me a while to get back to this. So sorry about that. Thank you so much for providing this workflow to me. This is exactly what I was looking for. I really appreciate the help on this!

7 - Meteor

Hi@TomHH I am trying to leverage this workflow on one of my task and noted that I am unable to open the 2 macros. It says this workflow was built in the latest version. I am currently using 2020.4.5 version. Is their a way I can access full workflow with both the macros?.


Thank you!

7 - Meteor

@TomHH  @jconnolly028 can any of you please share the workflow with 2020 version or help me how to use this workflow?
