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Union 2 Datasets but keeping the duplicates from set 1 and removing it in set 2

7 - Meteor

Hello together, 


i have a problem with uniting 2 data sets and removing duplicates.


1. So i  have Dataset 1 which i want to keep in the union list. I ALSO want to keep the duplicates from this list.

ID NameAttribut
263258ASI AB
222872ASI AC
77195HR-Services AA
258228ASO EuropeAB
291141Asip SwitzerlandAB
256275Northman ltd.AA
256276Northman ltd.AB


2. I have the second dataset which look like this: 

ID NameAttribut
123213Dental Services AB
258228ASO EuropeAA
258228ASO EuropeAB
258228ASO EuropeAC
13123Ganza ldtAB
136275Pickermann AA
256276Northman ltd.AC


If the Name is already contained in Dataset 1 then i want to remove all of them in Dataset 2. Just keep in mind that the other collumns can have other attributes and i need the rows from dataset 1. 


The solution should look like: 


ID NameAttribut
263258ASI AB
222872ASI AC
77195HR-Services AA
258228ASO EuropeAB
291141Asip SwitzerlandAB
256275Northman ltd.AA
256276Northman ltd.AB
123213Dental Services AB
13123Ganza ldtAB
136275Pickermann AA


I tried the joining tool the union tool, but i cant figure it out somehow. 


Thank you in advance



15 - Aurora
15 - Aurora



Please see below : 




Attached the workflow.

Hope this helps!



20 - Arcturus
7 - Meteor

Hi thank you very much. It worked with the small dataset. On my original usecase i just figured out that the ID can be different in both sets


as example Dataset 1 has a row "ASO Europe" with the ID=2

ID NameAttribut
263258ASI AB
222872ASI AC
77195HR-Services AA
2ASO EuropeAB
291141Asip SwitzerlandAB
256275Northman ltd.AA
256276Northman ltd.AB


and Dataset 2 has three rows with "ASO Europe" and the ID 1 and 2.


ID NameAttribut
123213Dental Services AB
1ASO EuropeAA
1ASO EuropeAB
2ASO EuropeAC
13123Ganza ldtAB
136275Pickermann AA
256276Northman ltd.AC


the solution should like this: 

ID NameAttribut
263258ASI AB
222872ASI AC
77195HR-Services AA
2ASO EuropeAB
291141Asip SwitzerlandAB
256275Northman ltd.AA
256276Northman ltd.AB
123213Dental Services AB
13123Ganza ldtAB
136275Pickermann AA


In other words if the the Name from dataset 1 matches the name in Dataset 2, i want to remove the matches from dataset 2 and keep the rest. 


Sorry for changing the use case. Didnt know this dataset would cause an error 

7 - Meteor

You guys are awesome. Will try it after the meeting! 

7 - Meteor

It doesnt work with the huge datasets. I noticed you using my first posted data sets. 


I just need to remove the rows in dataset2 which contain the same name as the rows in dataset 1. The ID and the Atrribut are a mess and cant be used as a identifier. 

20 - Arcturus

@noob_noodle It should work on huge dataset also, can you provide some more sample data and expected result?

7 - Meteor

It worked i just combined it with a record ID and it fixed it for me. Thank you .
