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Unable to connect to sql data base

8 - Asteroid

Hi, team. 

I am unable to connect alteryx to sql data base. Please help. I am getting this error.

Internal Error SQLDriverConnect: [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified

19 - Altair

can you confirm that your driver is installed and correctly installed in odbc 64?

8 - Asteroid

Is it running local on your machine or on the server?


If local: make sure you have the odbc driver installed and you are naming it correctly. From the error message it is trying to call the odbc setup named "localhost". Check whether you have this setup. 


If server then you need to check with your server admin to ensure the driver is installed and you are calling the correct name

8 - Asteroid

@putu_w_erata @apathetichell thank you team for your suggestions, I will check that and get back here. Thank you once again
