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Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Turning a vertical list of numbers in Excel into a string -with commas separating each one

8 - Asteroid

Hello everyone,


I have a vertical list of numbers in Excel and I would like to put these numbers into a string for use in SQL server. In the image below, I have included the formula I could use to add commas. I would often just do this manually but I thought that it would probably be easy with a multi-row formula but I couldn't get this to work myself. Does anyone have an idea of how I should go about using Alteryx to do this automatically?


Thanks so much, Lucie

list of numbers.PNG

11 - Bolide

Hi @luciebrett


You can do this in alteryx, please refer the attached screenshot.


First convert the numbers using select tool to string.


11 - Bolide

Hi @luciebrett,


Earlier i thought you want to add current row and row+1 but hope you want all your rows into a column separated by "," Then in this case you can use crosstab tool.

1. Convert your Field(Number) into a string type.

2. create one field(Group) with same value ( To grouping all values) or use if you have one in your data.

 Please refer the screen below:

3. Default separator is "," itself.



16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula

@luciebrett As long as your field is stored as a string field, you could also easily just add a Summarize tool and choose Concatenate.

ACE Emeritus
ACE Emeritus

I would use a select tool to convert to a string then summarise to concatenate



Sample attached

8 - Asteroid

Thanks @Kenda, super quick and easy! I have never used the concatenate option in summarize before! 

8 - Asteroid

Thanks @jdunkerley79, perfect solution - thanks!

8 - Asteroid

Thanks @vishwa_0308, I must have done something wrong as when I tried to do this I ended up just transposing the numbers one to each column. Thanks for your help but I have managed to solve with the other responses. Have a great day!
