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Transposing Data - Creating Unique Headings and Formatting Data against Headings

7 - Meteor

Hi All,


I am dealing with some data in a standard format as shown below and attached for testing purposes:


Test data.PNG


I am trying to have the "Template Label" become the headers for the new data set but have these as unique (remove duplicate entries) and have all the corresponding "Comp Items" appear underneath the corresponding Label that it had it attached to.


The result of which is shown in the image below:




I have tried to use the Transpose tool but it didn't appear as I wanted nor did any efforts I made with the cross-tab tool, any help would be greatly appreciated.


Kindest regards,

19 - Altair
19 - Altair

Hi @Brytsyt 


The trick here is to sort by template label and use a Multi-row tool grouped by label to generate your row numbers




The Dynamic Rename changes the field name underscores that come out of the crosstab back into spaces resulting in 




