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Transpose and then Cross Tab

11 - Bolide



I'm bringing in an excel workbook with sheet 1 ( number of records = 57135)  and it has got multiple columns with a combination of strings and Date columns.


I have used 3 columns as key Columns and the rest in the Data columns and i get a total Number of records say 685620 and then  immediately after that I'm trying to use the Cross tab grouping the same above 3 columns and in column headers i used the Name and the value for New columns i used 'Value' nd the Method for aggregating i used Concatenate.


the issue is that  I'm not getting the same number of records as my Input sheet 1 ( number of records = 57135) in my cross tab.


Any idea Please.



Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hi @suby , it may have something to do with your method for aggregating values in the cross tab configuration. Can you post your workflow?

13 - Pulsar
13 - Pulsar

Hi @suby!


Hard to tell without a sample of the data @michelle_mathews suggested, but we can probably help if you send some screenshots of your workflow and the configurations.


Is it possible that your data contains duplicates based on the key fields? I might suggest adding a RecordID before the Cross Tab.


Let us know what you're able to share.



15 - Aurora
15 - Aurora



Could you share a sample data with what you expect to have?

It will help us to give you the solution.



21 - Polaris
21 - Polaris

Agree with @ddiesel , there might some thing wrong with the grouping columns.
Adding a ReordID will ensure you have the same output.

11 - Bolide



I do have a Duplicates Adding the Record ID did the trick Thank you so much.


