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Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Too: Model Comparison

5 - Atom

I've already looked other posts but it seems I have a different problem than most. I installed the packages R needed and ran the macro. The problem is that the Model Comparison tool just won't be there. Does anyone know what may be the problem? 

11 - Bolide

Hi hrmello,


The Model Comparsion Tool is not installed by default, even with the R package. You have to login to the Alteryx Gallery and do a seach for model comparison. For some (strange!) reason it came up on page two of the search for me. You want to download the package and then open it.



When you open the package one of the files is the tool:  (Model Comparison.yxmc)




Note where it is saved, if you are familar with macros in Alteryx you can add it as a tool to one of the toolsets. Take a look at my response to the (Boosted Model maximum number of trees) thread in this forum for adding the macro the to toolsets.





5 - Atom

Thank you,  Bob_Blackey!


I did the first step you mentioned before coming here, what really helped me was the second part of your response. The tutorial I was following (from udacity) told just to do this first step - run the workflow - and then the tool would  appear in the tool set. 


Now everything is fine :)



7 - Meteor

Thanks Bob , You just saved my lot of time .  I had the same issue of not able to see the Macro as Tool Icon and was googling until i found your helpful post  .  Thanks Again
