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The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. (32)

11 - Bolide

I'm getting the error: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. (32) when trying to output to a file in Alteryx Designer even when the file is not being used by any user or process. Alteryx appears to think that the file is locked despite being able to open the file using a text editor, editing the file and saving it without any issues (all whilst Alteryx Designer is still open).


This error has not only occured when running an Output tool, but also when trying to save and replace a csv file directly from a Browse tool. 


I have also encountered this issue with .yxdb, .csv and .xlsx files.


Re-running the workflow does not fix this error and will keep resulting in the same error message even when output is a yxdb file. The only way around this so far has been to delete the output file and creating a new one.


Finally, I have used the Block Until Done tool but unfortunately this has not solved the issue.



Has anyone else encountered a similar issue to this and have any insights on how to fix this?


8 - Asteroid

Wonderful! Thanks for this insight.  Saved me a ton of effort. 

6 - Meteoroid

hey  i am having the same error 32 , is says that the file is being used my me. but i closed all my excel file and unchecked the AMP and still not working 
