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The file type ".yxzp" is not supported error when I try to import

7 - Meteor

The file type ".yxzp" is not supported error when I try to import alteryx workflow into Azure Devops wiki. 


I attached a screenshot of the error message. 


Thank You

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hi @KayodeAj,


I am not familiar with Azure Devops wiki, but you can use a workaround by 'converting' the yxzp file to a zip file (which is supported).


How to 'convert' a yxzp to zip:

Open the yxzp either with Alteryx or right-click-> zip -> extract to folder. This folder can now be zipped as any folder.


A yxzp is like a zip file, just for Alteryx. If you export a workflow as yxzp, Alteryx packages the chosen inputs and the workflow just like a zip file and updates the file paths inside the workflow. If you open a yxzp with Alteryx, Alteryx unpacks it to a folder and opens the workflow, nothing else.


Hope this helps!


7 - Meteor

Yes! it worked. Thank You Kilian

6 - Meteoroid

Hi, I have similar problem. I download the workflows using API, but they download in yxzp format and when I try to extract them to a folder, however the error appears: 'Cannot open file as archive'. It wouldn't even open using Alteryx Designer, the error comes saying the files are "not supported Package type". Does anyone have an idea how to solve this?

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