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Text to column using the right-most delimiter

5 - Atom

I need to split a text into a fixed number of columns but want to keep the extra delimiters at the beginning.


For example, using the - delimiter if I got: 123-123-SOMETHING 

I want to get two columns. Column A: 123-123 and column B: SOMETHING


Based on another answer I was thinking in a 3-step solution


Step 1 - Formula to reverse the string

Step 2 - Split to columns with delimiter, 2 columns and leaving extra columns in last column

Step 3 - Reverse back the two column string.


But I was trying to go for a one step solution probably using REGEX or other formulas. 


Basically I'm trying to replicate the following function from PowerBI into a single step in Alteryx:





Does anyone have any insight to resolve using an alternate solution?

17 - Castor

Hi @matiasb 


Want to caveat I'm not an regex expert, but the below should work in regex parse mode:






22 - Nova
22 - Nova

Hi @matiasb 


The regex to be used in a Regex tool parse mode would be something like this





(.*) : first all character before - .\- is used to escape - function

([^\-]+) : all character instead of - . this way it splits from the right most.





Hope this helps 🙂

5 - Atom

Thanks. That work great.... guess will have to clean the dust on the REGEX manuals back from when I was learning Unix 😄


Appreciate your assistance

19 - Altair

Fyi - if you wanted to combine your approach into one formula you could use:



There should be an easier way using no matching characters to "-" and end of line $ - but I'm still working on it.
