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Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Text file conversion error using Fixed width

8 - Asteroid



I am using fixed width to read text file.


But after using same setting i am not getting proper data.


This is the field setting i am using.





below is the setting.




As we can see in the preview the data is not proper according to the fixed width rule.


Please help me on this.


11 - Bolide

Hi @vijaylnyadav ,

can you post a workflow  as an example?

maybe if try importing the data as csv and using other tools to transform the data?





8 - Asteroid

@Jonny i cant post here because of confidentiality. Here, I cant use any other file format but Text only as an input source.

12 - Quasar
12 - Quasar

@vijaylnyadav You can first save and export the setting from "Flat File Layout"


Post which you can use the same file as a reference and select:


"Use Field Settings from File" as a reference document.


Let me know if this works.

Yugandhar Muley (Yug)

Alteryx ACE | Alteryx For Good India Lead | Bengaluru Alteryx User Group Lead
18 - Pollux

Can you cut and paste a text sample? I don't see anything wrong though. Your first screenshot shows where your fields are supposed to split and the red lines confirm it.


Your second screenshot shows your data split at those red lines. It doesn't match up with what we would see as fields - but it matches up with your first screen shot which controls where the splits occur - the field with the word "hart" in it is just left aligned instead of right aligned...
