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Text Box/Update Tool not passing value forward to Record ID tool

7 - Meteor



I am trying to generate a list of sequentially numbered invoices, with the first number being defined by the user. I have a text box input to gather the initial invoice number, and that is connected to an action tool, which is then connected to a Record ID tool. When I run the workflow using the magic wand button, the value I enter in the text box tool doesn't pass forward to the Record ID tool. In fact, it looks as if the app might not be running at all.


Here's a screenshot of the relevant portion of my canvas, as well as the configurations for the text box and update value tools.


Does anyone have any ideas?




Edit (for the benefit of anyone else having this problem): I had the text box and action tools configured properly. I just couldn't see the output because I needed to select the option in Interface Designer that shows Browse tools when the app runs successfully. Once I did that, I was able to see that the value I was entering in the text box was indeed passing through to the Record ID tool.

8 - Asteroid

hey, what is the input data other than invoice number? are you entering that data through app input only?

12 - Quasar

When you're inputting a number to pass to the workflow and it's only ever going to be a number, I would advise you to use the Numeric Up Down tool instead of the Text Box tool. You can set the min and max values allowable as well as the increment, and you won't have to create an error message if they don't use a number because they'll only be able to use numbers.

7 - Meteor

Hi, yes, I'm only entering the data through the text box tool. The data flowing in to the RecordID tool is the data that I'm using to generate the sequentially numbered invoices. I've attached a wider shot of the canvas, if that helps.

8 - Asteroid

Try this, if it helps

7 - Meteor

Thank you, this does help. I have my workflow set up exactly the same as you, but when I run mine as an app, I don't get the browse tool at the end. It just says, "This workflow produced no output." 


Does it make a difference that my source data is in Excel and not in a Text Input tool like in your app?

8 - Asteroid

type of Source data doesnot make any difference.

To view the data:

In interface designer-> properties-> select browse

7 - Meteor

Thanks! It turns out the app was working, and when I toggled the option you noted in Interface Designer, I can see the results. Thank you!
