Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Table doesn't exist or authorised in Snowflake

8 - Asteroid

Hi all, I have a workflow which has three outputs and I need them to create a table in Snowflake. I've been using the Snowflake Bulk Loader as my file format because I read that is what I needed to do to write into Snowflake


2/3 of the outputs have worked as I wanted but the final table keeps on coming up with this error:


Error SQLPrepare: SQL compilation error: Object '"table"' does not exist or not authorized.

How do I resolve this issue?

19 - Altair

Question! Does the table exist? Are you authorized? Are you writing via datastream in? A good way to check if your table exists and if you are authorized is checking in Snowsight. If Snowsight and Alteryx differ perhaps you are logged in as a different user (ie a service account) in one location- or perhaps your authentication has timed out.
