Table Output Issue
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- 新着としてマーク
- ブックマーク
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- RSS フィードを購読する
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I use a table tool with settings as such
I have placed a browse tool after the table tool
The problem is that with the first run of my canvas the table tool reorders the columns automatically as such (shown using a browse tool) :
Notice that the Age is incorrectly placed - my table configuration shows that it should be at the end..
Above renders to excel incorrectly as well
After a couple of runs on Designer (did not change anything at all) I get below output.. Which is correct. What is causing this auto reordering eventhough my configuration for table shows otherwise?
My render to excel also shows the data ordered correctly. It seems like Alteryx doesn't have enough time to process the Table.. I did put a block until done next to the table. But I still get this reordering with my first run everyday and I have to run twice to get the right output as above.
Has anyone else faced this issue?
解決済! 解決策の投稿を見る。
- 新着としてマーク
- ブックマーク
- 購読
- ミュート
- RSS フィードを購読する
- ハイライト
- 印刷
- モデレーターに通知する
Hi @clarrock
The first time that you run this on a new day, you have at least one new column that did not exist the previous day. These the new columns fall into the Dynamic or Unknown Fields category and so are added to the end of the table after [Age]. The second time that you run it, the fields are known and so are placed in the correct order.
The way to ensure that the Age column is always last is to use the arrow keys to move it after Dynamic or Unknown
- 新着としてマーク
- ブックマーク
- 購読
- ミュート
- RSS フィードを購読する
- ハイライト
- 印刷
- モデレーターに通知する
@danilang i had a similar problem and your solution helped! thank you!! :)