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TS Forecast and Factory Tool Installation

8 - Asteroid



I have downloaded and successfully ran the TS Factory Model and TS Forecasting Model tools through Alteryx application. However, I am unable to view that icon under Time series. Could someone please assist me with this.

14 - Magnetar

@Dhilip_Kumar don't think it will be on the tool bar - how I would add it is right click on the canvas, hover over insert and go Macro - to might be in there already or you might need to go into browse and select the file via file explorer. Attached a screenshot for reference let me know if this helpsTS factory screenshot.PNG

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

It should install there by default, but you can always open the macro and change the meta info so it shows up in the correct place

TS Forecast and Factory Tool Installation.png

14 - Magnetar

@alexnajm I'm intrigued as It don't have in my tool palette and when I checked it was there already under meta info and couldn't find it neither in the configure tool paletteTS not in tool pallete.PNG

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

@aatalai just tried it again on another macro, and it works great. Maybe your install/version is buggy?

14 - Magnetar

@alexnajm using V2023.1 is there a specfic file location it should be saved to?


17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Nope! I tried a random macro saved in a random location and I was able to change it between different categories. Try restarting Alteryx?

8 - Asteroid

@aatalai @alexnajm I am unable to get the tool under Time Series palette. Please help me on this.
My Alteryx version is: Version: 2022.1.1.42654


17 - Castor
17 - Castor

I am not sure the best way to help - the process I outlined above works seamlessly for me and has worked across multiple versions. The only thing I can guess is that y'all have Admin Designer - I use Non-Admin Designer primarily.

14 - Magnetar

@Dhilip_Kumar does the patch over way I suggest work earlier (i.e inserting the macro directly from the canvas)?  as that could be a short term solution?
