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Summing up data based on several categories

7 - Meteor

I have a set of data that consists of 6 columns (Fund Name, Class Name, Investor ID, Investor Name, Activity Name, and Values) 


I want to sum the Values based on the Investor name, Class Name, Fund Name and Activity Name. How would i go on about this using the summarize tool or is there another tool that can have this done? 


See below simplified dataset and desired outcome. 


Fund NameClass NameInvestor IDLegal nameActivity NameValues
ABC FundClass A101John SmithBeginning Value1,000
ABC FundClass A101John SmithSubscription500
ABC FundClass A101John SmithGain/(Loss)100
ABC FundClass A101John SmithEnding Value1,600
ABC FundClass A101John SmithBeginning Value500
ABC FundClass A101John SmithSubscription0
ABC FundClass A101John SmithGain/(Loss)50
ABC FundClass A101John SmithEnding Value550
CDE FundClass B102James BondBeginning Value1000
CDE FundClass B102James BondSubscription0
CDE FundClass B102James BondGain/(Loss)500
CDE FundClass B102James BondEnding Value1,500
CDE FundClass B101John SmithBeginning Value600
CDE FundClass A101John SmithSubscription0
CDE FundClass A101John SmithGain/(Loss)60
CDE FundClass A101John SmithEnding Value660660


And the desired outcome would look like this where John Smith in ABC fund was summed together based on the fund name, Class name, and legal Name: 


Fund NameClass NameInvestor IDLegal nameActivity NameValues
ABC FundClass A101John SmithBeginning Value1,500
ABC FundClass A101John SmithSubscription500
ABC FundClass A101John SmithGain/(Loss)150
ABC FundClass A101John SmithEnding Value2,150
CDE FundClass B102James BondBeginning Value1000
CDE FundClass B102James BondSubscription0
CDE FundClass B102James BondGain/(Loss)500
CDE FundClass B102James BondEnding Value1,500
CDE FundClass A101John SmithBeginning Value600
CDE FundClass A101John SmithSubscription0
CDE FundClass A101John SmithGain/(Loss)60
CDE FundClass A101John SmithEnding Value660660
17 - Castor



One way of doing this.




Many thanks

Shanker V

17 - Castor



Step 1: Input





Step 2: 




ReplaceChar([Values], ",", "")




Step 3: 







Step 4: 





Many thanks

Shanker V




7 - Meteor

Hi Shanker, 


Thanks this worked well. I am just realizing within the datasets, there are values that shouldn't be summed up which is a percent return (displayed as 0.50 which is 50% return). How would I go on about not having this specific row not summed up in the summarize tool? 


Fund NameClass NameInvestor IDLegal nameActivity NameValues
ABC FundClass A101John SmithBeginning Value1,000
ABC FundClass A101John SmithSubscription500
ABC FundClass A101John SmithGain/(Loss)100
ABC FundClass A101John SmithEnding Value1,600
ABC FundClass A101John SmithNet Return0.50
ABC FundClass A101John SmithBeginning Value500
ABC FundClass A101John SmithSubscription0
ABC FundClass A101John SmithGain/(Loss)50
ABC FundClass A101John SmithEnding Value550
ABC FundClass A101John SmithNet Return0.50


And the desired outcome would look like this where John Smith in ABC fund was summed together based on the fund name, Class name, and legal Name: 


Fund NameClass NameInvestor IDLegal nameActivity NameValues
ABC FundClass A101John SmithBeginning Value1,500
ABC FundClass A101John SmithSubscription500
ABC FundClass A101John SmithGain/(Loss)150
ABC FundClass A101John SmithEnding Value2,150
ABC FundClass A101John SmithNet Return0.50
12 - Quasar


7 - Meteor

Thanks MilindG. This is helpful

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