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Still trying to figure out reporting and layout tools

9 - Comet

Im trying to find my feet with reporting and layout.


Table Tool, Report Text Tool and Layout Tool only take one input and one output connection so they have to be lined up like below.



Here is my Table Tool output records




In the table configuration I am grouping by 'Reportline' so that the Layout tool creates a tab for each ReportLine category in the rendered Excel Output. Therefore I cannot change the 'Group by' setting or I will get more tabs than I want. As you can see above I have added 3 fields: 'OrderLocation', Order2Product' and 'Order3Function' to the output and I wish to use these fields as report text over each table record.


For the Report Text outputs to sit above the Table when rendered they have to come after the table in the chain to take the 'table' record.


The issue I'm having us that the Report Text tools do not have 'OrderLocation', Order2Product' and 'Order3Function'  in the available fields even though I attached them to the table output above. The Report Text will only make available the fields used in the 'Group by' table setting.


So with all the restrictions above: 1) Cant change 'group by' in Table Tool 2) Report Text Tool must come after Table Tool 3) Only one input/output


How can I get the report I need? 



9 - Comet

OK Turns out I can change the 'Group By' without creating more tabs and didnt relaize it.

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hi @Carluccio555 


You may have already got the answer you were after, but for some extra context.


The reporting tools can all be brought back together using Join Tools, so that you can separate out the section to build in report text with the section to create the grouped tables. Then using the Layout tool (as you already are) to order them and position how you require for the output.


The example workflow gives a very quick example of this.



