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Sharepoint tool reads numeric fields like string values

6 - Meteoroid



I am using the 2.4 version of sharepoint tool in alteryx 2022.1, the situation is, i have an xlsx file that contains a lot of numeric fields (around 50 fields) when i use the sharepoint tool, it reads all numeric fields like VW_STRING so i have to change manually with a select tool, all data type of these fields, is very complicated, because I have a lot of xlsx files with the same structure but different fields names, so I need to change everyone and that's a lot of manual work.


The question is, inside the sharepoint tool, can I configure this?, please help me.




@danmendo - Have you tried to download xlsx file and connect it using an Input Data tool? If the problem persists chances are there non-numeric values in your columns that trigger data type change. You may then want to look for a dynamic way to change data types.

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hey @danmendo ,


Excel is not great at having defined types - so not sure that this is a sharepoint issue but perhaps more of an issue that Excel is not a great DB structure.


One simple thing you could do would be to use an "Auto Field" tool which inspects the data and then determines the type.


A better solution, where possible - would be to work with your clients to go up-stream of the excel file and connect to the data at source - that way you get typing for free if you're going to a formal DB.


If your team is creating these excel files - you can consider moving to other ways of storing data - if you can get a DB (e.g. MS SQL server; or postgress) that would be best; otherwise you can try SQL Lite files; or even YXDB is better at field typing.


