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SharePoint Output Error in v2.4.0 (No error with v2.2)

5 - Atom


I am receiving an error when trying to write to Sharepoint using the output node now that I have v2.4.0. I did not have this issue with SharePoint output v2.2, which was used when this workflow was created.


I am attempting to write data to a SharePoint List, but get an error message “could not convert string to float: ‘Approved’ “.  The field in the SharePoint list is a choice field and ‘Approved’ is an available option.


The data type being sent from Alteryx is V_WString and may vary between a few choices such as "Approved", "With Control", etc. If I filter out the "Approved" items and run the workflow, it errors for the next available choice, "With Control".


My coworkers that still use SharePoint output v2.2 are not receiving the error. We all pull our workflow file in from a central shared drive, so I am using the same workflow file as them.

I have not found any community topics that describe this error.









Any ideas?


5 - Atom

Alteryx has logged this issue as a defect in v2.4.0 (Defect ID GCSE-1322).

7 - Meteor

any update on this, I am using version 2.4 of the macros and I am getting errors saying "Error writing columns" writing datetime fields, this may be unrelated in the code but is another example of a tool rolled out without passable testing.  it broke the write of a string and broke the write of datetime fields it seems.  


Do you have an ETA on fixing 2.4.0 of the macro?  will it be a fix or a new version forcing us to change every workflow using 2.4.0 to a new version number reference?


7 - Meteor

Version 2.4.1 does work so the newer version is the fix.  they also seem to have solved the version issue of forcing you to change tools with each new version.  previously the version number was part of the macro name and so when you go to the newer version you had to go back and edit each flow using the old version...not anymore.

So thumbs up on that.  We are experience slow performance on the connection and the writing to lists of any 200 rows or more...but it does work.
You must be running AMP and must use DCM
