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SharePoint List Input - No records obtained

5 - Atom

Need some help here. 

I got a Client id for a SharePoint site which has FullControl rights over the site, but I cannot get any records from any list when using SharePoin List Input tool

Connection is OK, credentials are OK, I checked all the views avaliable from the list(s), but still got no records.

When I access that SharePoint list via web with my personal userid, I can see the list has indeed records.


Does anybody know what I'm missing?

Note: I have another Client id for another SharePoint site and works perfectly.




14 - Magnetar

If you are looking into getting data/files from Sharepoint, there is a new tool for that. Note: Compatible with Alteryx Designer version 2021.3.4 and later. 

5 - Atom

I'm in 2020.2.3 version, which is the latest my corporate license lets me update to.

Anyway, for getting list items, SharePoint List Intpu tool works just fine, but not in this case. I don't see why.

19 - Altair
19 - Altair

Hi @fmolla 


If you have permissions try connecting to the list using Online/Office 365 and your user credentials as opposed to the App Only Authentication.   If you can connect to both lists, there is probably an issue with the AppID not having the correct permissions to the list.  Check with your SharePoint admin.



5 - Atom


HI I have similar issue, did you find the solution

7 - Meteor

I'm also having the same issue.  It is limited to two SharePoint sites.  Another SharePoint site is working as intended.  Did you find a solution?
