I am getting this error when reading a file using SharePoint Input tool 2.6.3 on Alteryx Designer 2024.1
"Python int too large to convert to C long"
The file I am trying to read contains a column that has alpha numeric values, few of the initial values in this column is 14 digits long.
I am able to read same file through Input Data tool.
Is anyone else facing same issue? Help me find a workaround or fix it.
hey @abhilash_t Given that the file contains a column with alphanumeric values, some of which are 14 digits long, this issue might be due to the way the SharePoint Input tool attempts to interpret these values. It could quite well be possible that the tool is incorrectly interpreting the alphanumeric values as integers instead of strings, leading to this error.
are you sending in any fields which are int64? make sure they are int32. Open a ticket with Alteryx support - the underlying python they are using for the sharepoint tool should handle this more gracefully.
This is currently a known defect with SharePoint tool 2.6.3 - Alteryx devs are currently working to fix this (as far as I am aware).
Found a workaround. In Sharepoint tool's option at the bottom of the "Select File" page in the config screen and use the "download file locally for later processing"......then add a Dynamic Input tool and replace the file input path with the Sharepoint Tools' output field called "Save Path".
Can you provide detail instruction on this part that you commented "then add a Dynamic Input tool and replace the file input path with the Sharepoint Tools' output field called "Save Path". "? I'm new to alteryx and am taking over a flow someone else has created and have come across this python error. I am hoping to use your suggestion to resolve this error. But I'm not sure what to input in the Dynamic Input. Can you please elaborate on how to input that tool and what options to input for that tool? Thank you.
For the input side, you should see the full path and sheet name. You use a formula field called "Save Path" to create the full path as " [Save Path]+'|||'+[Sheet Name] ". Then in the Dynamic Input tool you select "Read a list of Data Sources". Then select field "Save Path" and "Change Entire File Path". You have to select a local sample file first for the "Input Data Source Template" at the top of the tool's config first, of course.
Hope that helps!
That is helpful! Sorry, I have another question on a prior comment --> "In Sharepoint tool's option at the bottom of the "Select File" page in the config screen and use the "download file locally for later processing"." The "Location" I used is shared drive folder. Is that allowed? It seems to be the issue there. It will not download anything to the folder patch I've input in the Location box. What do you recommend inputting in Location?
My understanding from what you're saying, is that the SharePoint tool will download my file to the Location (share drive folder) and then read the files from Location in Dynamic Input, which is the work around for the python int error. Is that correct?
I suggest you leave it as %TEMP%/SharePoint. That's just giving it a place to keep the file during the workflow processing.
To your last question. Yes- that's what is happening.