I have an Alteryx workflow connected to a List on a SharePoint. It took me a while to get the connection working. However, it appears the workflow is only pulling in items I personally created and not all the items in the SharePoint list. I'm currently the admin/owner of the SharePoint site. How do I need to modify my workflow to get all the items flowing through the SharePoint Input Tool?
I'm still having this issue that I'm hoping to resolve as it is effecting a number of our regular workflows. Any chance anyone has any ideas? I'm not sure where else to go.
@edmund_belleza have you gone through the Help documentation to ensure you're on the most up-to-date version of the tool: https://help.alteryx.com/current/en/designer/tools/connectors/sharepoint-input-tool.html#sharepoint-...
Additionally, the section around "However, if you select Use as service principal (app-only authentication) after you select Connect to URL with Client ID and Secret, Tenant ID, you can set the expiration of the token according to your company policy and the scheduled workflows won’t be associated to a single user. " may be related to your situation.
Thanks for responding Caitlin. Our team is rather new to using SharePoint with Alteryx. We haven't been able to figure out what our Client ID, Client Secret, or Tenant ID is or where to get it. I saw the below on another post, but I get the message that I don't have access to this even though I'm the owner of the SharePoint site. So I requested Access, but have no idea where that requests goes to now. I went back to the SharePoint site with the "/_layouts/15/appregnew.aspx" at the end and I get a message "Awaiting approval. We'll let you know about any updates" I'm awaiting to approve myself on my own SharePoint site? We're so confused. When I go to Approve msyelf and attempt the SharePoint with the "/_layouts/15/appregnew.aspx" ending, I get another message saying I don't have access to the site. I request the access. I approve the access. When I go back to the SharePoint with the "/_layouts/15/appregnew.aspx" ending, I get yet another message saying I don't have access to the site with the option to request access. I feel like I'm stuck in a loop. Is this a loop? or does this really have a useful endpoint?
Please follow below steps to generate new client ID and secret key:
For eg: If your current URL is https://yoursharepointsitedomain/
URL Example: https://share.contoso.net/sites/AlteryxDevelopersTeam/
Then add this to URL like https://yoursharepoinsitedomain/_layouts/15/appregnew.aspx
(Title: App name(anything)
App Domain: yoursharepointsitedomain
Redirect URL: https://yoursharepointsitedomain/)
@edmund_belleza I'm sure this is frustrating! I'm not sure I can help given the issue appears to be on the SharePoint side of things but I tried searching about endless SharePoint approval loops and found some info:
Takeaway: try accessing the file / folder from another browser or device to see if that resolves the issue - I'm trying to figure out how to 'prove' the access is granted properly outside of Alteryx with this line of thinking
takeaway: official Microsoft documentation about how to generate client ID and secret (through the Sharepoint Admin Center)
@edmund_belleza a few more resources that may help to review (I've reached out internally as well to ensure we give you the best guidance on how to proceed):
Thank you for taking the time to help me troubleshoot. I've posted this inquiry on other sites and haven't had any progress other than, "don't use SharePoint" as others have encountered similar issues. Our workflows and connections were working perfectly fine until Mid-October 2024 after a few years in use. Thinking this was a suitable solution, we leveraged SharePoint for other projects. There must have been some update recently that we just can't figure out and it's literally impacting a lot of our highly visible projects. We're lucky at the moment that it's the holidays but we can't put it off for much longer.
The general permissions for the site is set so the user only sees the items they created in SharePoint for confidentiality purposes. Admins/Owners still maintain full control and access to everything. If I Sign-On with just my own log-in information with the SharePoint tool, the data looks fine except it's only my created items.
I'll look into the resources you provided with my team. Much appreciated!
@edmund_belleza I confirmed with Customer Support that it makes sense for you to log this issue with them through my.alteryx.com as a case. That way we can at least help confirm if this is expected or to what extent the issue is resolvable with our help.
Thanks CailinS, I just submitted a case. Hope to hear from someone soon and get some resolution. Happy New Year!