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Server V3 API POST Error: Unknown - HTTP/1.1 501 Not Implemented

7 - Meteor

I'm configuring a workflow to migrate content from our dev Gallery to our Prod Gallery, server version 2022.1. I'm using the new ve API macros. Using the v3 AOI POST tool, when migrating a new workflow that doesn't exist in prod, everything works great; but, I'm unable to upload a new version to an existing workflow. The POST fails with error Unknown - HTTP/1.1 501 Not Implemented. Has anyone experienced this issue before, or have any advice on how to reoslve it? 

8 - Asteroid

I'm also running into this error.  Same use case, same version of Alteryx Server.

8 - Asteroid

To clarify, I'm running into this same error when using the Server API tool with server version 2022.1.1.  The endpoint being used is:




I noticed that this endpoint is not visible in the Swagger UI built into Alteryx Server... perhaps Server v2022.1.1 does not support this endpoint?


Similar to @rymatt830, I can successfully publish a new workflow by making a POST request to the endpoint /v3/workflows/{workflowId} using the Server API tool.

8 - Asteroid

@rymatt830 - Were you able to figure out a solution for this? I just started diving back in and am getting stuck in the same place.

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

@mmichaelson What version of Alteryx Server are you on? Here's a note from the 2022.1 release notes related to the issues with the versions endpoint:




We're currently on 23.2 and this endpoint is working as expected. 


8 - Asteroid

Thanks @patrick_digan! I am using 2022.1.1.42725, but I am planning to upgrade our organization to 2023.2 (or 2023.3) in a month or two which, per your comments, should resolve the issue.
