I have an input table that looks something like this:
ID | Name | Message | |
1 | Name A | This is a message for Name A | Aemail@blah.com |
2 | Name B | This is a message for Name B | Bemail@blah.com |
1 | Name A | This is a second message for Name A | Aemail@blah.com |
3 | Name C | This is a message for Name C | Cemail@blah.com |
3 | Name C | This is a second message for Name C | Cemail@blah.com |
2 | Name B | This is a second message for Name B | Bemail@blah.com |
I’m trying to send an email with an xlsx email attachment to EACH email address that only displays their own respective data. For example, Name A gets an excel document with the following table:
ID | Name | Message | |
1 | Name A | This is a message for Name A | Aemail@blah.com |
1 | Name A | This is a second message for Name A | Aemail@blah.com |
Of course, there can be thousands of rows that change all the time, so I can't manually implement this. I saw the solution that @DataNath gave here: https://community.alteryx.com/t5/Alteryx-Designer-Desktop-Discussions/Grouping-to-be-sent-in-email-q...
However, I don’t think this works with attachments because one would have to first write to a separate excel file FIRST and then send that attachment to an end user, and then repeat for each end user. Has anyone done this before? I’m a little over my head here.
How about using Block Until Done tool?
Step 1: Prepre file path with Formula tool for each user
FileName = [Name] + ".xlsx|||Sheet1"
Step 2: Write output .xlsx files with Output Data tool
Step 3: Attach the files with Email tool
I hope this works with your case. Good luck.
Hi @Yoshiro_Fujimori , thanks for the thoughtful response. I'm not in front of my computer right now, but wanted to ask—won't that workflow send one single email for each row? So, in my example, Name A would get two emails with two separate XLSx files? If so, I'm trying to only have one email sent with all pertinent rows in the XLSx file.