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Sender list from multiple excel files

5 - Atom



I am not able to execute the automated email.

Flow 1 : Creates attachment for the email

Flow 2: Creates Sender List (TO - Exporting into an excel output. E.g. File A, Tab "TO List")

Flow 3: Creates sender list (CC - Exporting into an excel output. E.g. File A, Tab "CC List")

Flow 4: Creates email body i.e. table, email text

Email address TO list - Contains all the email address exported from flow 2

Email address CC list - Contains all the email address exported from flow 3


I want send out and email having the body created in flow 4 and the recipients from the TO and CC list.


Can someone please suggest how can I do that as Email tools doesn't accept more than one input connections.


Attached are the screenshot of the workflow and the email tool configuration. Appreciate the help !!

16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula

Hi @jeetkumaragarwal 


I would use the Summarize Tool to concatenate your lists (separator should be a semicolon) and then append it to your data stream so you can use it in the Email Tool. See example attached,



5 - Atom

Hi Philip,


Appreciate the help!! Thank you,




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