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Send each row of data to each recipient using email tool

7 - Meteor

Hi team,


I need your expertise on the email tool. My goal is to send each row of data to each recipient via email (it's travelling data specific to each recipient, hence this feature is needed)


Detailed description:


I have read other posts and tested in Alteryx Designer and confirmed that the email tool can send data to each recipient on each row.


The problem comes when I want to send one row of data to each recipient. How do I do that? I want multiple columns of data to appear in the body of the email, but I can't get it to work. Please also suggest if you could find other alternatives!


Attached is my sample workflow for your reference. Thank you for your assistance.

14 - Magnetar
14 - Magnetar

Hi @wuaw,


If you want to filter the data by recipient, you can use a batch macro to filter each row by recipient email.  Then using a Table tool you can create a single field with all the data you want to send in the body of the email.


Email batch macro.jpg


7 - Meteor

Hi @T_Willins 


Thank you for the quick reply!


If I don't need to filter by recipient, is there an easier way to do it?

For example, if I have 3 rows of data, I will send 3 emails to whichever recipient listed under the column for email address with the row of data



14 - Magnetar
14 - Magnetar

Hi @wuaw,


Let me know if this is not what you are looking for.  From what I am understanding, you only want a single email per recipient even if they have more than one line, but you still want to filter the data being sent to the recipient to rows with that recipient email address.  I added a Sample tool to the workflow, which will only join a single email to to the table while the table has all the results for that recipient.

Email batch macro v2.jpg


7 - Meteor

Hi @T_Willins 


I found an easier way out - concatenate all the fields together using Formula tool

Then connect Formula Tool with Email Tool


Just wondering if we can find better solutions than this... it doesn't have any column headers, and it's just data in 1 line, not in a table format



7 - Meteor

Let's say if I have n rows, I will send out n emails. And there is only 1 email address in each line. There are unique email addresses for all rows.

17 - Castor

@wuaw , we can do that by concatenating the fields. Please have a look and share your thoughts.





Sapna Gupta
14 - Magnetar
14 - Magnetar

Hi @wuaw,


Now I understand what you are trying to do.  I think to do what you are trying to do instead of a Formula tool to concatenate the results, use a Table tool and group by Recipient email; then connect to the Email tool.

7 - Meteor

Hi @T_Willins  and @grazitti_sapna 


Thank you for the suggestions! The solutions are good for me.
