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Select file from correct month

8 - Asteroid

Hi All,


I am currently working to automate a process at work. at the start of the month a new folder is created and new files are put in. the name of the files are always the same but with a dd/mm/yyyy suffix. 


I would like my workflow to be able to find the right folder and files for the month but cant think how to do it. Any ideas?

15 - Aurora

Hey @JTCairns,


Presuming all of the files that need to be imported have the same schema month on month (but you can work around this if not) you could do something like this:


  • Use the file directory to list all of the files in each folder (and subfolders)
  • Parse out the date of the file
  • Check to see if the file date matches the current month
  • Use dynamic input to bring in all of the files

Like so:


Dynamic Input.PNG

8 - Asteroid

Hi @LordNeilLord


Thank you so much this is exactly what i was going for, i was having difficulty with the dynamic input tool. 

You are a Don!!
