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Schema.table format for output tool when writing to an Oracle database table

12 - Quasar

I have an Oracle database connection saved and tested successfully.


I am trying to use an Output Tool to write data from my workflow to a table in a specific schema in the Oracle database.


Can anyone advise the correct syntax for the Write to File or Database box in the configuration of the output tool when I have to specify the schema and table combination?


I have the format like this aka:Database|||Schema_name.Table_Name


I am getting this error when I run the workflow: 

Error: Designer x64: The Designer x64 reported: InboundNamedPipe GetOverlappedResult: The pipe has been ended.


No data is written to the table.


Is there something wrong with the format of the Database Schema Table as formatted above?

12 - Quasar

The problem turned out to be that you have to match the data type and size of the fields in the target table. I had the data types correct but one of them was the wrong size. One of the target fields was String 10 and I was feeding String 20. Once aligned the error message went away.


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