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Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

Find answers, ask questions, and share expertise about Alteryx Designer Desktop and Intelligence Suite.


5 - Atom



So what I am trying to find out is how much can the scheduler handle? I think the ideal solution is to down the server route but I need to explore all possible solutions before heading down that road. Can I have the scheduler run ever five minutes with incremental refresh? And then have some bigger jobs run overnight for example?

Is that something that is feasible or not?

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Scheduler is automation for the standard Designer product. That being said, it will use the same processing power that you have locally.

13 - Pulsar

Hi @jaejay 


You can definitely schedule the heavier workflows to run at night when you are away from your computer (remember the computer must still be on for scheduler to work). The processing power depends on your computer, but definitely to optimize it, you want to run the heavier workflows when you are not using your computer in contrast to running lighter workflows when you are using it.



5 - Atom

My solution is going to be around having a VM that is on all the time. 


So should be quite flexible on processing power of it.

Just wondering how it will handle the micro batchs, however I think it should be fine.


Thank you

13 - Pulsar

Hi @jaejay 


Alteryx usually does not allow the use of the desktop scheduler on a VM environment. You would need to get an approval for this.


The Scheduler is only allowed on a regular Desktop.


When purchasing the license Alteryx asks you to define whether it will be installed on a VM or a regular desktop.





Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

As mentioned above, Scheduler is limited to a physical desktop, and is not allowed to be installed on a VM. Scheduler is a good fit if you need lightweight scheduling capabilities, but it does come with limitations. These limitations are reflected in the price.


I suggest reaching out to your Account Manager to better understand your options and pricing.

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

The real benefit of the Server is that you can scale horizontally by adding more workers, and you can open this up to a wide user base so that users can trigger their own jobs.


In the server & scheduled environment, you can definately schedule a job to run every minute, or only on weekends or only in the evenings.   You also have the option to force certain jobs to run only on particular workers if you need QualityOfService for time-sensitive jobs.
