Hi Community,
Did anyone have any luck saving a file in a Sharepoint folder using Python tool? I know that people are mentioning Sharepoint tools, but my Python script generates a pretty complex Excel file that populates columns, writes excel formulas, formats, color codes, and sorts the output in a particular order dynamically based on the combination of parameters the user selects when starting the flow, I won't be able to replicate that logic through Alteryx tools.
Thank you.
It seems challenging task without using Sharepoin tool. My idea is:
1) Save the Excel file in temporary folder within Python tool *you can call temp path by Alteryx.getWorkflowConstant("Engine.TempFilePath")
2) Use Run Command tool to run Powershell script which move Excel file in temporary folder to the designated Sharepoint folder.
Preparing powershell script for step(2) would be challenging.
You could look for a python package called office365, which will help. I am using it reading and saving excel on sharepoint myself for a long time.