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SQL for SAP HANA ODBC connection Placeholder logic

5 - Atom

Hello All,

On the input data tool I'm trying to connect to an SAP HANA view that has an 'active_or_historical' variable.  When I run it I get a syntax error.

It's an ODBC connection.

I've been able to write for placeholders regarding dates but for $$Active_Or_Historical$$, I can't figure it out.  I believe that it directs to a 'active table' if I indicate with an A or 'historical table' with an H. 



“Schema” . "View” ( 'PLACEHOLDER' = ('$$Active_Or_Historical$$', '''A''')


I've used a variety of single and double quotes.  I've moved the '=' and I've tried a bunch of other adjustments.  I've searched on the community and have tried the answers provided but nothing works.


Does anyone else have an $$active_or_historical$$ variable on their HANA view?  Any recommendations?


Thank you





7 - Meteor

Hi  @hewitc2 - There is a known SAP issue around the external use of SAP HANA variables, which may be causing your issue.

As you're connecting to an SAP system, you may find the easiest way to get to the data you need is via the add-in software from DVW Analytics.

We connect to pretty much any object in a SAP HANA system via the application layer from directly within Designer, which makes it safe and easy to use.

Try it for free using the link below.  Let me know when/if you register and I'll be sure to get you assistance from our support team on your specific use cases.


Best Regards


7 - Meteor

Hey  Carmen,

You can also check  out Xtract for Alteryx. It allows you to extract data from SAP systems and comes with a dynamic parameter support. That should be able to help you here.

It's easy to use and has a free trial available at For any questions, feel free to also reach out to your Alteryx account team (it's the only SAP connector that can be bought directly from Alteryx thanks to a close partnership).
