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SQL editor

5 - Atom

I had the 32-bit version of Alteryx (2022.1..1.30961_1) but when I was just issued a new laptop it had the 64-bit version installed.   All my old workflows still run.  In fact, they are lots faster.   But (you knew there was a "but" coming) I can no longer edit the SQL for those old workflows, I was lazy and never took the time to build the dynamic interfaces to change frequently changed parameters, I always just changed things directly in the SQL.   But now I can't seem to access the SQL.  When I click on the button that should bring up the SQL editor, Alteryx just locks up tight and needs to be restarted.   Ideas?

12 - Quasar
12 - Quasar

Hi @ekosj ,


Have you updated the data connections and their respective aliases in the input tools/workflow?

5 - Atom

Yes.  The connections are updated.  The workflows run just fine.

12 - Quasar
12 - Quasar

What happens when you click on the 3 dots next to the Table or Query setting in the configuration window?  Does Alteryx just hang?


Have you also tried reestablishing the database connection in a new Input Data tool?

5 - Atom

RE - What happens when you click on the 3 dots next to the Table or Query setting in the configuration window?  Does Alteryx just hang?



12 - Quasar
12 - Quasar

Have you also tried reestablishing the database connection in a new Input Data tool?


If you are trying to access the SQL query itself, can you try the following and try accessing the query that way:-


- In Alteryx Designer: Options > User Settings > Edit User Settings > Advanced > Display XML in Properties Window. This will allow you to view the XML code of individual tools and the entire workflow as you work in Alteryx designer.

- Alteryx Designer workflows (.yxmd/.yxmc/.yxwz/.bak) can also be opened in text editing programs (like Notepad++). This will allow you to view the same XML code in another program.

5 - Atom

Havent tried option 1 yet ... but option 2 ... "Alteryx Designer workflows (.yxmd/.yxmc/.yxwz/.bak) can also be opened in text editing programs (like Notepad++). This will allow you to view the same XML code in another program."   works a treat!!!

Push comes to shove I can use that to rebuild the queries easily.


12 - Quasar
12 - Quasar



This can definitely be a possible work around. 


I would also suggest reaching out to Alteryx support to understand better why it was hanging in the first place! :)

5 - Atom

Hi guys, i have the same situation, when i click in the 3 dots to open the sql editor appears this msg box.

It started because a downloaded the last version of alteryx.


This option "Alteryx Designer workflows (.yxmd/.yxmc/.yxwz/.bak) can also be opened in text editing programs (like Notepad++). This will allow you to view the same XML code in another program." works to me too, but have you seen this error ?





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