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Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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SQL Server - OLEDB not returning all results

5 - Atom

Hi all,


when querying a SQL Server Database using the Input Data Tool with "Microsoft OLE DB Driver for SQL Server", I get a limited result set.


For example, running the query "SELECT TOP 500000 FROM a" returns only 370,000 rows, whereas the same query using the ODBC Driver 18 for SQL Server returns all 500,000 rows.

However, if I query the first 300,000 rows, the results are as expected. It appears that the OLE DB driver is not considering the entire table for some reason.

Does anyone have any idea what might be causing this discrepancy?





13 - Pulsar

The driver configuration might be limiting the number of rows pulled. What happens if you run the Query wide open? Are you still limited to 370k rows? Check the Max Buffer Size in your driver configuration and consider increasing it.

5 - Atom

Turns out I compared apples and oranges and didn't connect to the same databases. Still, thanks for your help.
