Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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SDK limitations?

5 - Atom

Hey, folks!


I've just recently started tinkering with Alteryx and I have a few questions regarding its extension features. I've already tried to figure it out but came up short, so I hope some more experienced folks would be willing to shed some light. 😊


  • Is it only possible to create Custom Formula Functions through the Legacy SDK? I couldn't find any references to them in the newer Platform SDK's docs—or mostly anywhere, really.
  • Do any of the SDKs allow the creation of custom Interface Tools? For instance, imagine a custom tool sitting between a List Box and an Action, modifying the Q value before it reaches the action.
  • Although the legacy SDKs are deprecated, are there plans or a roadmap for their removal?
  • Are there known downsides to the legacy Custom Formula Functions?

I'd appreciate any pointers!

5 - Atom

@mrkishi wrote:

Are there known downsides to the legacy Custom Formula Functions?

Well, I just found one that I had missed so far: they're not compatible with the AMP Engine. That's a big bummer. :(
