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Running mutliples worflows in one

7 - Meteor



First, I am sorry for posting this frequently asked question, but I am little confused by the differents informations I have read.


So, I have several worflows to donwload data, wich are completly different and I would like instead of open them one by one and running them, create a worflow where i can specify all the worflows I would like to run.


I know there is an additionnal macro "Runner Macro " but I would like to use a simple solution without additional installation.


The second solution, I have read it's about Command Line, but I am not comfortable with command tools and I would like to manipulate in the alteryx interface.


Finally, I tried to have a look in the configuration worflows to maybe add all the worflows i would like to run, but I am not sure if it's possible in this way.


Thank you for you're suggestion, and please I am begginer with alteryx so if you can explain me the solution it will very nice of you.


Best regards.

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @Vanderleck16,


I didn't use it myself but runner macro is really cool and for many people, it is a game-changer. I would suggest checking it out as I heard only a positive opinion about it. 


An additional benefit is that with runner macro you will instal other cool tools that sooner or later might come in handy during your alteryx journey. 


I am not sure if you will find an easier and more convenient way to achieve what you need than runner macro. 

19 - Altair
19 - Altair

Hi @Vanderleck16 


I agree with @Emil_Kos.  The easiest solution, by far, is to use the CReW List Runner macro.  It requires far less effort than any other option, even if you include the effort to install the Macro pack.    


To illustrate the ease of use, here a image a two tool workflow that will run 3 workflows sequentially




The Text Input tool contains the full path to each of the workflows.  The green triangle is the List Runner.   It runs the workflows one by one and then provides the result of each workflow in the output anchor.  The output is what you you would normally see in the Results window after a workflow has run.  


Another option you can explore is to create a series Chained Apps.  The first workflow executes and then calls the second one which triggers the third one upon completion, etc. The main drawback with this approach is that all the workflows must execute completely within 30 seconds, except for the last one.  The final workflow in the chain has no time limits.



