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Run command tool running not in the correct order

8 - Asteroid



I have the following situation:

- an Alteryx workflow that has different run commands tool inserted doing different actions (create folders, subfolders, move files, copy files and rename files);

- the result of the workflow would have as output 2 files, each one with different tabs;

- I am using "block before done" tool so I am sure everything runs in order;

- I had to do a small adjustment today for one of the run commands (that would be the 4th action within the workflow) and the rest of the workflow is based on this action, but unfortunately it runs the last one although the "block before done" tools are in ascendant order and because of this happening is destroying all the logic of the workflow.


Can you please give me a piece of advice on how to deal with this? Unfortunately is not the first time happening this to me and I would like to avoid losing so much time in reputing one by one all the tools in the workflow (there are more than 300 tools).


Thank you in advance,


Best regards,


8 - Asteroid

Hello @ArtApa ,


Thank you for your answer. I looked to read something on these control containers, but I cannot find them between the tools list in Alteryx, I have just the tool container. Is this a new feature of Alteryx? I am using version 2021.4.2.07064. I didn´t see any way I can download it from internet or how should I do?


Thank you in advance,


14 - Magnetar

Hi, @Denisa_Grecu 


The Control Container tool only for version 2023.1.x.x + !

8 - Asteroid

@flying008  Oh ok, thank you. So, meanwhile maybe there is another solution to solve this? I am not sure if our company will let us have the 2023 version soon.
