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Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Restore previous user settings from older version

8 - Asteroid

Hello all,


This is a minor thing, but I recently upgraded from Designer 2021.4 to 2022.3. For the last several years I've had the canvas set up with custom color schemes because the default white strains my eyes when I work on a workflow for extended periods of time (Like the world's most painful 'Day-Mode').


Is there any way to locate the previous install's RGB settings? It retained them when I upgraded between 2018/19 >2020 > 2021. If not I can try to redo it manually, but I'd love to get the exact values if I can.

13 - Pulsar

Hi @alexg1 


So from what i can find your Custom Colours can be found using the Registry Editor; navigate to Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\SRC\SrcLib_Dll\CustomColors and if they have been retained they should be there.


I suspect that if they are not then they will have been overwritten by the upgrade, but, i'd have thought it would keep settings - has anything else reset?



Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hi @alexg1 


Can you try copying the UserSettings.xml file from the following directory : 


C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Alteryx\Engine and placing it in the latest folder version of Alteryx Designer?



Hope this helps. 

8 - Asteroid

Other things that have reset so far appear to be other cosmetic settings for the canvas. The other respondent to this thread gave me a solution that did not require going into the registry editor, but if there are any functional changes I will bear your suggestion in mind in case I need to reach out to our IT department. Thank you for your feedback!

8 - Asteroid

Pan, that was perfect! I found the exact settings I needed in the XML file. I was afraid to copy it wholesale, but I was able to use what I found to make the changes from Designer's setting menu. Thank you so much, this is going to add years to my eyesight!

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)



I am glad we were able to resolve the issue!

I would recommend making a back up of this xml file incase you ever need to use it again.
