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Reporting tool does not show (Spanish) characters, nor symbols

6 - Meteoroid

Hello everybody, 


I was wondering if any of you could help with one Reporting tool difficulty.


I am trying to create a text for the email tool and this text includes á, é, í, ó, ú and €,  - , ¨ ¨.  

For example, casilla “No”  ends up looking like casilla “No” or 30€ ends up looking like 30€/ when the email is sent out. 


Is there any way to keep all of them? If not for the letters, what about €  which I´d keep as symbol rather than ¨euros¨


Thank you so very much! 

Have the nicest weekend


19 - Altair
19 - Altair

Hi @Alexandra_Pops 


Try running your text through a Report Text and use the output of this as the body field in your email




The result I get looks like this in Outlook


and this in Gmail



Note: the attached workflow has no connection info in the EMail tool, so you'll have to add that in




6 - Meteoroid

Hello, @danilang 


Thank you for your suggestion! 


I was already using a Report Text tool and what happens is that after Run, i get this message 

Email (2) One or more Windows Ansi specific characters has been substituted with the corresponding Unicode point. which is probably the point where I am losing my á, é, í etc and the currency symbol. It´s also curious that in the Browse Tool before Email Tool, the text is as desired, but once it moves to Email tool, its output replaces them... therefore, I´m thinking it has to do with Email tool in my case. 


As a workaround, for the letters, after the Report Text tool, I now have a Formula tool where I have replaced the errors with the correct letters, like so: Replace([Text],"ó" , "ó"), Replace([Text],"á" , "á"). 


Does not work for Replace([Text],"€ " , "€") so in the end, for this one, I unfortunately had to go with ¨euros¨. 


Also, tried to change the Code Page in the Localization Tab in User Settings, but it was of no help for me. 


I got nothing else on this 😞 


Thank you and wish you a nice day! 




19 - Altair
19 - Altair

Hi @Alexandra_Pops 


Look into the ConvertFromCodePage() function.  If you can determine what the input code page is, It should be able to do the conversion for you.


