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Report Text Tool - Adding unwanted http://

8 - Asteroid

Hi Community Members,


I understand that the internal configuration of the tool commands it to automatically add http:// to any script or web links or email address it comes across when it’s hyperlinked. For example – If it’s a mailto link which is typically used for email address, it will add which renders it useless. When I click, it opens chrome and not my email client so generally I don't hyperlink it and use as a general text. Now, I have a very long script with a mailto which I want to be present in the email body and it has to be hyperlinked. How can I bypass the unwanted http://?


Alteryx version - 2019.4

7 - Meteor

Hi @TheOC! is there a way for when you click on the link it would open up an email and a subject line?


Client NameProduct Sales Person Email


So what I would like is that when I click on Sales Person, it would open an email using the last column, and the subject of the email would be: 

"Johnson - Shoes"


Thanks in advance for your help!


15 - Aurora
15 - Aurora

Hi @giulianosua1 !

Yes ofcourse, here's some documentation on mailto links, which may help:

I managed to get this working, with the original workflow as an example through adding ?Subject= to the link, and passing in a subject field:


Hope this helps!

8 - Asteroid



I have implemented the same using the method suggested by @TheOC to structure my mailto link. Since my requirement included the To, CC, Subject line, and body. I have first structured my link using a formula tool and then used the Report Text tool in Expert Mode.


In the formula tool -  you can create a column named "Link", and type in the following


"mailto:"+[Email]+"?"+[Client Name]+" - "+[Product]+"&body= This is my body of the email"


You can discard portions of the link based on your requirement. If you want to dynamically change the hyperlink name, you can change it based on a condition in your formula tool. Let's name that column as "Link Name"


And then use a report text tool in PCXML format something like this


<div style="width: 100%; font-family: Arial; font-size: 10.00pt; "><a href="[Link:A]"> [Link Name:A] </a></div>


It should work as expected.

