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Report Header and Formatting

8 - Asteroid



I am having some difficulties with my report formatting.  In the attached, I can't seem to get the report header to output into the Excel sheet.


Also, how can I turn off the column header from repeating between items? I just want it at the top of the worksheet.


These are probably basic questions but I have not been able to find the solutions online.  I appreciate the help. Thanks.

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Check out the attached.


For the column headers I created all of the tables with headers and without.  Then used the one with headers for the first table and without for all the other tables.


For the header I just used a layout tool to attach it to the top of the report.  I think that is OK as Excel doesn't really have pages as say a PDF report would have.

Adam Riley
8 - Asteroid

Adam, thank you very much.  The report is perfect!  Appreciate the help.


