Hi -
I am using a Render Tool to create an Excel file. If I change the folder name or Excel file name (in the tool configuration) to a folder/file that does not yet exist and then browse to that location - the folder and file are there - and I haven't run the workflow yet. It looks as though the Render tool is creating the new folder/file before I have even run the workflow. For example - the Test6 folder in my screenshot did not exist before I added it to the file path in the Render tool. The XS_WAAG file didn't exist either.
Is someone able to confirm that this is in fact how that tool is supposed to work? Is it normal that the tool would create a folder/file before the workflow run? If yes - is there a way (a setting maybe) to turn this off?
It is causing me issues because when I open the workflow, it is (apparently) overwriting my existing file with a new/blank version and I lose the data I had in the file before.
Thanks so much for any help!!
Version 2023.1 is creating automatically just by configuring the tool.
In previous versions this did not happen
I confirmed your assumption is true on my end.
I dont know how to avoid this situation and will dig a bit more.
We just upgraded to 2022.3.1.532 Patch: 5 and I began experiencing the same issue. Here's what I found:
Alteryx is now creating blank placeholder files when configuring the render tool - without ever running the workflow. It also does this anytime the workflow is updated elsewhere or initiated to run. I tested and confirmed this happens consistent across all output file types: xlsx, xls, pdf, pptx, png, html, rtf, mht, & pcxml.
Potential Workarounds:
What i have done as a work around, is to add the render tool in its own container and turn it off. Meaning when the workflow is is open the container housing the render tool is off. The only time it is turned on is when i'm ready to run the workflow. I have it turned off even making any updates to the workflow as it overwrites when changes are made.