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Removing extension from phone numbers

6 - Meteoroid

Hi everyone,


I am performing some data cleaning for phone numbers and there are a good chunk of records that have extension numbers that I would like to remove without going directly in and editing. The formats are as follows:

111-111-111, 1234

222-222-222 x5678

333-333-333 ext 9875


Has anyone dealt with this or have recommendations on how to best tackle this? Perhaps I could write a formula to only include the first 9 digits of a phone number? 


Thank you in advance!


22 - Nova
22 - Nova

Hi @lamiah13 


yes, that would be a good idea you can get first 11 chars (9 digits and 2 hyphens) with the help of Left function like below.


Left([Phone Number], 11)





Hope this helps : )

